"All Over Red Rover" The MELL BUNN Cup and the Math Question.

A mild weather wise yesterday brought out the loonies from over the back fence alias another Barry Dogs head Melbourne Cup gathering all mouthing off while  swilling their charred barbecued steaks and sangers down with copious amounts of home brew or moonshine.
I am not sorry the greedy trainer with the trademark eyebrows failed in his attempt to win his 13TH Cup, instead from what I can gather a yank horse was the bolter with a Frog  coxswain at the tiller..Any way who cares, apart from the employers who will be deluged with sickies today.

I am a fortunate person who only uses a Debit Card  with no indebtedness, unlike the  persons in over sized homes on Struggle Street today slugged with higher interest rates in order to boost the $12 million per ann salary of the CEO of the Commonwealth Bank. It's a shame the old style bank robberies have gone out of fashion. secretly I was always disappointed when the swashbuckling robbers got caught, now the hype has gone and we are now becoming used to the swaggering inside jobs by those who are entrusted with our hard earned, It might help to know I have stabbed the picture  of the Comm/Bank CEO, with a bread knife.

There were many failures contesting the  Mathematical problem posted three days ago.. several (4) failed to give the reason for their answers, (no workings) However we have an outright winner, an old friend of mine, A clever dick, who you may remember once edited one of my posts the cocky sod. which unfortunately created a war of words but hopefully now forgotten.
The winner is Andrew Burt, Esq. IMS. Who States.....

More like a problem for Math enthusiasts.

However this is a very straightforward and easy calculation.

once one understands that a US Gallon and a Pound weight both have 16 ounces.

Whereas the Brits (Bless their silly confused minds) have decided that a pound

and a gallon will have a different weight, to confuse all the school children

Thus a US Gallon is has / is 3785.412cc

meaning 3.785412 Litres

An Imperial Gallon has / is 4546.092cc

meaning 4.546092 Litres

So: If the UK Motorist is paying (the equivalent of) USD 3.25 per Gallon

then $3.25 / 4.546092 = $0.7148997 or rounded off to 71 cents per Litre

In Sydney Australia at (the equivalent of) USD 0.75 per Litre (we are paying 4 cents more than the UK motorist)

Whilst in the USA @ USD 2.99 per Gallon = $2.99 / 3.785412 Litres = $0.79 per Litre

PAYING MOST US Motorists @ 79 cents per Litre

AU Motorists @ 75 cents per Litre

PAYING LEAST UK Motorists @ 71 cents per Litre

IMS B.eng Electronics. (member IEEE)

(Where Math is critical in Electronics & Chemistry alike because one is working with nuclear principles)

i.e. Electrons, Neutrons, Protons, Photons, Ions, and Atomic Particle Theory. - without it Electronics does not work.

And having worked in the Petro-Chemical Industry for 8 years the problem does not exist.

Good luck to everyone else.

ISO Time Stamp

On 10/31/2010 8:05 PM, Daily Gaggle
Vest wrote:

Here is a Math problem for Motor Enthusiasts, I shall publish the names of those up to the task.

During a industrial strike in the USA Gas (Petrol) rose to U/S $2..99 per Gallon

While in England The motorist was paying The equivalent in pounds to U/S $3..25 per Gallon.

While in Sydney Australia Locals were paying the equivalent U/S $ 0..75. per litre.


Explain giving detail who was paying most and who was paying least.

Vest Say's , "who can compete with a complete know all of his ilk.

Another poser 'Coming Soon'


Amy. Swansea. said…
Andrew B, You are a Smart ass.

Vest, you will no doubt profit from the interest rise you greedy old man.
Jimmy said…
Having a DEBIT CARD only is safe
with a CREDIT CARD, u can go into life long debt

We Indians are averse to spending b4 we earn
Jimmy said…
Silly Amy
u shud say
Andrew B, You have a Smart ass.
Jimmy said…

in the WAR, the pompous Brits made their NUTS and BOLTS with BSW and BSP threads

the dumb Americans used metric threads

so we had tonnes of INVENTORY for spares for our weapons

So the idea of WORLD Standardization

INDIA is also a member nation to ISO

and we are committed to converting all Indian Standards to ISO/IEC

I love my INDIA
Jimmy said…
THE US says UL Mark your product to UL Stndards for USA Markets

in EUROPE it is CE Marking and EN/IEC Standards

in INDIA ISI Marking
in CHINA CCC Marking

Edward Jones said…
Good Morning Les
Its with great regret to inform you my dear wife Beryl of 46 years passed away Oct 22nd, She enjoyed reading your posts as much as myself. It was very quick, she had trouble breathing on the tuesday night, took her to see doctor wednesday morning, didnt see own doctor of 21 years, he tested her chest and gave her a puffer, she used it, I couldnt notice she was any better, same thing again wednesday night fighting for breath. During the day as soon as she was upright she improved. Went to bed on the thursday, heard her moving around in the night. I think she went into the room the grandchildren sleep in because I found the electric blanket plugged in what we used to air the the bed when they were coming to stay. I woke at 6 am and she was propped up in bed with pillows and her reading cushion. Asked how she was and if she wanted a cup of tea, went and made tea when I come back she was dead, I never had time to say goodbye how much I loved her. Funeral is friday, I hope I feel better when it is over. At the moment I am strong, going about all the things yuo have to do when a next of kin dies. The hard part is when people ask me about her and I well up and cant speak.
Vest said…
Eddie: Rosemary Myself and our family send you our deepest sympathy for the loss of your dear wife Beryl. and I am sure my co bloggers will feel sadness too for you from remembering comments sent in by you in the past.
A letter will follow. Vest.
Vest said…
Eddie Jones was a student at the naval college that I attended Wed 16-12-36 to Wed 7-1-42. I have never met Eddie who went there a couple of years after I had left to join the Royal Navy as wartime cannon fodder, fortunately the college turned out a quality product, Survivors of a brutal staff at that college had to be tough, most who did not get through ended up in the cemetary full of boys up to 12 plus years.
Jimmy said…
Heyyy Vest and Rose and Wally and Kate ...

b4 u die
Says Sandra Dorothea

and Michelle has kicked off her shoes

and is dancing bare foot in the Park in Mumbai

bare ass
Jimmy said…
its black Rose

but real nice
Wish u was here too

then if u join Michelle ...

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