Female Weather (changeable) And the 'Last Post' before Yuletide.

It's Chilly outside, a wind blowing force 6 from the antarctic. Three days ago blistering hot, also two days ago Sydney had flooding and a Hailstorm, last night we had an extra bed cover, previous night the fan was on overtime.
Escaping the unseasonal Global warming  thingy in Britain right now are the the 'WAGS', the English test cricketers nearest and dearests whose arrival may have provided the catalyst for their lovers Limp finish after being on top for two days.
This may be the last post until after Xmas, two days prior being taken up for medical thingies, and a bit of tidying up before our yuletide guests arrive.It is the Time of the Year to sit back and enjoy what life has to offer.

However, I would like to thank all of you who have been gracious enough to visit my blog site over the years, regardless of content it has been a rewarding time for me.
Christmas time for me is a period where I take stock and count my blessings although in my case the imaginative so called real meaning of Christmas, The immaculate conception and all that other stuff I swallowed in bygone years is long gone. However, the joy we deliver to our friends, family and less fortunate people at yuletide adds strength and love to family ties, especially these years where divided and dysfunctional families are becoming commonplace, the need for family unity is.given a boost.
Christmas is the time for children to learn the art of giving as well as receiving, also paying tribute to elders of friends and family, and it is not a bad idea to segregate them at a family gathering where alcohol induced conversation can be fraught with differing opinion, occasioning old scores to resurface where snide pragmatic innuendo dominates the chatter.
Even if you meet someone you dislike; a smile and a handshake and a suitable compliment will help to break the ice; who knows you may even fall in love!!
Visits from our progeny and their offspring will dominate the seasonal joy, in the main by  our local Gr/Ch, . other grand children six in number will also appear over Christmas to add to the jollity?

Don't forget to try and make it a peaceful Christmas.

Click here for Curtis Stone cooking tips....youtube.com/Coles Supermarkets

Expressing yourself
When does expressing your self become losing your temper? You know the feeling, one minute you’re giving your opinion on something quite unimportant, someone says something and ‘bang’ you’re off on one.
Most of the time, unless you’re particularly obstreperous, it’s what’s going on in your life, not what’s happening now, that makes you short fused.

Here are some triggers:

• Too much booze

• Not feeling well

• Not eating properly

• Not appreciated

Even so, there are things you can do to prevent or minimise temper outbursts:

• Slow everything down. Stop what you’re doing, stop talking and let yourself relax.

• Think about what’s actually making you angry and what its root cause is.

• Breathe slowly

• Have a word with yourself and talk yourself down.

BTW. Click onto the  COLES advert above, my local Supermarket, Quite interesting.

Enjoy your life, you are only here Once, MERRY CHRISTMAS to All.  Vest.


Hi Life Health & Beauty. said…
Dear Hi Life Health & Beauty Customer,

Introducing The City Magazine - the hottest, newest, coolest magazine distributed in the CBD that you will be getting for free... The City provides the CBD workers with an up-to-date snap shot of everything the city has to offer from sexy fashions to the latest beauty trends, to diet tips and dating advice. PLUS ... restaurants, celebrities and Hollywood goss!

The premiere issue also features a cover story containing an exclusive interview with our cover star, Oprah Winfrey herself. With an amalgamation of top writers from around the country and the globe including; Hollie McKay (Fox News, Los Angeles), exercise physiologist and former Biggest Loser trainer Ray Kelly, columnist and bestselling author Samantha Brett, plus makeup and anti-aging expert Clint Dowdell, The City will be your new BFF... don't miss you! Watch out for the next issue in March 2011!
Vest said…
Oh Goody Goody, I can't wait !!!
Vest said…
It seems my local Supermarket COLES is advertising on my blog. It might be a good idea to click onto the advert to boost my income and while your about it; learn if you do not know already how and when to present your Xmas turkey on the dining table.
Problem is the chef in question uses garlic in 99% of his main meals,and I am adverse to that odious ingredient, (But not mirrors or crosses).
lower deck lawyer said…
Ah, the inuendo in your second paragraph, re Escaping the unseasonal Global Warming.
Was it both the cricket flop and - or the reunion of loved ones? Mike.
Gordon the Baker. said…
Bad mix, sex and sport, I think the limeys {Poms} were shagged out.
Jimmy said…
we are having beauty full weather here

the rest of the World is freezing

Come to GOA India
Vest said…
Jim: Its 6-30 pm and the sun is still shining, 32 deg outside.
Anonymous said…
May you, Rosemary and all the family have a lovely and blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Vest said…
Aggie: What a beautiful and gracious lady you are.
Thank you.
Rosemary and I here in sunny Budgewoi on the central coast of NSW wish you all the blessings you deserve, not only at Christmas and the New year but always.xxx.

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