A Cool Change !! But not for long, also Cricket in a 'Spin' again.

  Yes it has been a trifle warm recently with the weather pundits screaming  "Its the hottest it has ever been since gawd knows when" "Hot as Hell" Say's the recently resurrected ? Meteorological office spokesperson.
We are now experiencing a cool change, and in my office as I write the temp is now a modest 23 C or 70 F, without fans or air/con,
Within two hours of shopping time  I scored over a half century in public (yanks ignore this) It is called heat scoring, The Batsman scores one run for every mention of heat, four runs for any heat - themed cliche and six for humidity.
The English gentleman's depleted cricket team fed up with the heat and not winning the toss have departed from Australia to cooler climes, Graeme Swann the England spinner already back in the U/K, was his usual funny self; saying "Phenomenal  Sunday dinner by the wife. I might even let her sleep indoors tonight.

However, we made it through the six day sweat fest, with even higher temps recorded inland. Yesterday's cool change arrived like an old friend, also bringing a deluge of rain along the Central Coast of NSW. There was relief, too, as the States power supply held firm under what could be described as massive use. We have fortunately  avoided cyclonic weather and flooding also bush fires.
But with the current crazy weather patterns recently, perhaps we shouldn't relax too soon.
Locally, most of the grassed areas are brown and scorched from the sun , plants have wilted and seedlings dried to a crisp.

Back in 1995 the Australian cricket hierarchy demanded the omission of Muttiah Muralidaran from playing within Australia, Saying the Sri lankan  guy was a 'Chucker', M M decided he would  never again return to Australia..
 It would seem time  has eroded those  caustic remarks with  M M in his twilight years deciding to coach future Aus 'Spin bowlers for a cash incentive to assist his lagging fortunes. for my two cents I would not hesitate to describe most  fast bowlers as chuckers, the policing of this problem is fraught with even more problems some even bordering on political stand-offs  RE  Feb 1 / 81 the sordid underarm thingy by the OZ Chappelli's, when Nu zilland P M Piggy Mulddoon closed the Oz Embassy in Wellington, with Bob Chicken Hawke Oz PM, stating "ay ay ay ay er ay Its the new emergency Aussie Cricket Rules."
It is a crying shame the Aussies are such lousy losers.Will this stir the can who cares!.
On the Health scenario, little has changed, I still get the Wobbles in the early morning , the Occasional headache and the strange phenomena - the annoying throbbing in my temple which manifests itself whenever it feels it has a reason for annoying me, however it has been confirmed by the neurologist that it is inoperable and I am stuck with it,.Oh well it's better than not being in the land of the living.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
Vest... back soon.

If you are not too busy a comment on any post would'nt go amiss.
 Or if you like Horror try this,,,,,,http://www.peta.org/feat/ChineseFurFarms/index.asp


christine said…
Very wise words Uncle Les, but I would expect nothing less from you.
Take care and keep smiling xx
WALLY. said…
Hi vesty, glad your back and in good form. not concerned about you knocking the cricket, i'm a league fan, Souths.
Jimmy said…
CRICKET is a ROYAL waste of time created by the BRITISH RULERS in INDIA

and now offices all over INDIA dont work when there is CRICKET on TV
Jimmy said…
Catholic Priest Demands
End To Celibacy

Father Hans Kung, a longtime critic of certain Catholic tenets, has renewed his fight with the Catholic Church by telling French newspaper Le Monde that Pope Benedict XVI is too isolated to deal with the issue of celibacy.

Kung's critical stance is reflective of the way many priests feel and act, according to one Eastern Rite Catholic priest whose recent book exposes what he says is a serious flaw in Catholic doctrine.
Jimmy said…
Confessions of a Passionate Priest by Father Ameen (not his real name) graphically highlights the problems engendered by celibacy rules, including the breaking of sacred vows. In a no-holds-barred account, the author describes sexual liaisons and extramarital affairs in sizzling detail.

Father Ameen says he believes that celibacy is counter to a productive priesthood and points to fellow Eastern Rite priests in Lebanon, who are allowed to marry and still serve their parishes, as proof.
Jimmy said…
"The Church is failing to address a very basic human need," says Father Ameen. "How can they say that consensual sex is a sin? If two people love each other and care about each other, they should be allowed to have sex."

Father Ameen recounts his own battles with celibacy in his book, which details his affair with a married woman and the fallout that lost him his parish. His book also delves into the differences between how Church leadership is talking and how local leaders are acting, including:

How local leaders often ignore intimate relationships as long as they don't go public

How common it is for priests to have these relationships

The realization by local leadership that punishing every priest who ignores celibacy would lead to an even more severe shortage of priests

How the threat of litigation was the only reason he was punished for his relationship

"I love the Church," says Father Ameen, "but it does have some rules that serve no one. There is plenty of proof that priests can engage in intimate relationships and still serve God."

Father Ameen remains dedicated to the priesthood despite his contradiction of specific Church rules. He currently lives in an undisclosed location in the United States, preferring to remain anonymous to avoid recrimination.

(Confessions of a Passionate Priest by Father Ameen; ISBN: 0-9816892-0-5; $14.95; 224 pages; 5½" x 8½"; softcover; East Mountain Books)

Author Information

Olga Vladi
Vest said…
Thanks Christine.

Wally: Thank you for your comment.
BTW. I have little interest in Thugby League, seems that its end product could be Quad or Paraplegics.
Jimmy said…
.... but I would expect nothing less from you.


is that a compliment?
Jimmy said…
Rugby is a mans game
it' s toss and tumble

pot bellied Britishers cant play
Lower deck lawyer. said…
Jimmy. A large percentage of Rugby players end up being brain dead and pushed around in wheel chairs by cash strapped Goans from Mumbai.
Jimmy said…
Wally r u LDL ?

I wish more rich folks wud play RUGBY
We GOANS need the money

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