I am losing sleep, Quand arrivera-t-il a' destination ?

Sleeping lying flat on a Swedish flat pack may suit some hardy sub continent persons , but those in the Sydney comfort zone have needs to be fulfilled sharpish and with little delay as possible.
If you ever thought shopping at a Swede store was confusing, try dealing with customer service.
Ms B, bought a mattress from a Sydney store in October and was told the bed base  would be available in five weeks.
This didn't happen. so earlier this month MS B,took matters into her own hands.
One staff member said over the phone that the base was in stock.
MS B was driven for forty minutes to the store only to be told by another staff member that it wasn't in stock. MS B made the two speak to each other. It suddenly was in stock again but not available.
The first staff member called the next day and said a base was available. MS B paid by credit card and a delivery time was set. Come the time of the deliver, a third staff member rang to say the base was not in stock.
MS B said this conversation ended with the staff member swearing at her, The Swede Store denies this, but admits voices were raised.
A spokesperson said it had made a mistake and apologised. they offered a refund but MS B didn't want her money back.
The bed base will be delivered free, When it becomes available. Probably? next month.


Lower deck lawyer. said…
The store must be run by TURNIP heads. Mike.
WALLY. said…
Vesty, Do you mean Ikea.
Vest said…
Wally: In around about way it could be aeki.
Davoh said…
heh, heh heh. Next stop .. haiku

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