March State Elections, think carefully and vote wisely.

My local  oriental apothecary has reminded me to clamour for the gold card again during this forthcoming State Erection. I reminded him that it was a Federal issue and also his pronunciation of basic English needed tidying.
Expect many new faces to front up on State Election day. This is due to the mass exodus of poorly performing labour lay-abouts and others taking their ill gotten  pensions.

Here is an old hot potato to spice up the occasion.
Red versus Blue Politicin Aint what it seems to be.



SYDNEY Town in the land of OZ was in a pre election frenzy. The two main Antagonists were a newcomer to fed politics (labor) bloke, Saint Kevin Rudd wearing red. and the (conservative -Liberal) Dead beat Bush suckhole and chicken Hawk Prime Miniature, J, Winnie, Howard in blue.

Now both of these sharpies were no more trustworthy than a rabid robbers dog.

Rolling into town from way back beyond the black stump; was Wally Dodds( A frequent caller to this blog) Wally the Aborigine medicine man with his horse and cart was challenged by both political mobs with regard to the medical validity of his claim, that, his Blue and Red medicines cured certain types of illness at differing times of the year. Wally being an aborigine and generally ignored by pollies was pissed off with both of the assholes shouting him down. Stated he was only carrying Red and Blue medicine.

The Red medicine was made from the bark at the top of the LACITILOP tree at the height of summer. The Blue Medicine was made from the bark at the bottom of the LACITILOP tree during the depths of winter. Both medicines laced with a syrupy juice keeps your stool loose and you fancy free, like the policies you pollies propose to inflict on the general public, during your pathetic efforts to cure the financial woes of this country.
The truth is, MR RED 's medicine; if you allow him, will skin you from the earholes down, and MR BLUE I am certain, will continue to skin you from the toe nails upward.

posted by Vest.


Dylan B said…
Interesting, clever.

All the beginning elections are, are beautiful persuasions to win to their way of thinking. If you don't bother looking into it your just going to fail at the suspense (like from these two medicines).
WALLY. said…
Thanks for the mention vesty. though in my spare time i am a plumber.
Jimmy said…
I bet VEST will love Jiddu

Jiddu is dead
Jimmy said…
Jiddu Krishnamurti

"If I may I would like to point out we are not entertaining you.

We are not indulging in some kind of intellectual game, or trying to point out what kind of belief you should have; or to seek a leader to solve our problems.

We are not doing any kind of propaganda to persuade you to think in a particular direction, or to convince you of a particular point of view.

But we are thinking together, observing together the problems, the crisis, that we are facing, the war, destruction, corruption, and the superstitions in the name of religion; all that nonsense that goes on in the name of religion, god and so on ..."

Jiddu Krishnamurti, Madras 1st public talk 26th December 1981
Jimmy said…
There's a cross on the side of the road
Where a mother lost her son

How could she know that the morning he left
Would be the last time she'd trade with him for a little more time

(so she could say she loved him one last time)
And hold him tight

But with life we never know when we're coming up to the end of the road

So what do we do then
With tragedy around the bend
Jimmy said…
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above

And today we remember to live and to love
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up

Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love

There's a man who waits for the tests to
See if the cancer had spread yet
And now he asks why did I wait to live 'til it was time to die

If I could have the time back, how I'd live
Life is such a gift
So how does the story end?
Jimmy said…
Well, this is your story and it all depends
So don't let it become true
Get out and do what we were meant to do

We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love

We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
Jimmy said…
Waking up to another dark morning
People are mourning

The weather in life outside is storming
But what would it take for the clouds to break

For us to realize each day
Is a gift somehow, someway

And get our heads up out of this darkness
And spark this new mindset and start on with life cuz it ain't gone yet

And tragedy's a reminder to take off the blinders and wake up
(to live the life)
We're supposed to take up
(moving forward)
With all our heads up
Cuz life is worth living
Jimmy said…
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
We live, we love, we forgive and never give up
Cuz the days we are given are gifts from above
And today we remember to live and to love
Jimmy said…
I was told smoking will give u CANCER
I said what the hell
we all gotta go one day

then my doc told me
smoking causes restricted blood flow to the penis
and u wont get strong erections

thats when I quit smoking

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