This is Where it Began on Wed March 23 2005.

It Is still wet and windy, nothing has changed weather wise, however the ever changing rules with blogging  have not helped in keeping it simple, the mass of changes and  regulations plus  one recently, have me thinking it's time to go, My time is becoming more valuable and there are things which become neglected. A few fun opportunities and other options can take up the slack, and a less sedentary lifestyle would enhance my weight loss program. I do drink a lot of water, do not smoke or drink coffee and walk a fair amount and still work in our garden and more recently have cut down the size of meal portions and added more salads, fewer spuds -less dairy and bread.
Exercising at this point in time is out, so is the Sun and high humidity, So a (yawn) a quick nod is in the offing.
Wednesday, 23 March 2005       This was six years ago, and  now 765 posts later.

Introduction to Daily Gaggle

Good morning to you all on this wet and windy day on the Central Coast of N S W Australia.
This blog is not intended for the overheated super educated persons, whose main intent is to impress us with their glossary of alternate words and expressions which tend to become meaningless to normal average people. I will not be impressed by inane one word stupid comments. You may use clear precise philistinic grammar. but keep it readable, for the masses. Overdone obscene statements may be deleted.


Gladys Eavey said...
Well, how refreshing it is to find a web site that does not contain vulgarities, you sound like a very nice well educated man. My grandson has been teaching me how to use a computer and has been a great help, he will be 47 next Thursday and I am not quite sure what to buy him, have you any suggestions
Jeese Glad ol gal, crikey you must have already received your telegram from big ears mum E R 2 or it is due soon, if so I hope you get your ton up. The problem I have, is deciding about what to advise you to give to your grand son for his 47th birthday. I am having serios problems with my crystal ball which is on the blink and my Oracle came up with the sugestion that you should ask your grandson. Or on the chance that he may be running around wild and has everything a man can have er wait a sec the Oracle is laughing wildly er thats better, it is suggesting a course of penicillin or a new Teddy bear, loves ya Glad.
Gladys Eaveysaid...
Maybe i should buy him a crystal ball, where did you get yours from as i have not seen them in any stores lately, will be 99 in July
Dunno where you Crystal balls from Glad old sport. I have had mine since I became betrothed to her indoors. I was told by a senior Relo they were an essentional pre-requisite for blokes who were about to become entangled into the vagueries of wedded bliss, I am now much wiser than the C-ball, but it occasionally becomes useful when I return home after a late night out. Yesterday was pension day for old sheilas like your good self, so I am assuming you were out late night shopping or at the Sen Cits Swingers club and still lively enough to tap out a message on your morse pad at 1:57 am. Last of all; Are you on Lazarus juice?
JO JO& Georgia said...
We would like to say sorry to Dave who comments on this site.It was us who created the problem on B's site when several people were admonished for our bad drunken behaviour.
Jo Jo & Georgia. That is if Dave understands what you refer to. I have checked up on you two loose cannons and it seems that your unsavoury drunken comment has sunk to the lowest level. Ladies of your calibre; without question should be shot on Sight.
Fred said...
Whats's all this crap about me!
Fred, you goof you made a comment on the cricket thingy, where I also replied to you, only what I said was not crap. Hang about Fred; would you be 99 year old Gladys 47 year old grandson, if so is the pennicillin working yet? Any further problems you have jellyhead, phone Rent-A-Brain.
John Leonard Spencersaid...
Hello. How about having a topic called 'Open Discussion'. People have things to say, other than on the particular topics posted. Anyway. Think about it. I think it's a good idea. Hope you agree.
JLS Go ahead, with your expertise it should be a doddle to write such a simple post. How is the Cl/run novel coming along?
John Leonard Spencersaid...
Can't see an open discussion post yet. Will wait till I see it. Ah, the new book. Will be out within a year or so... Can't rush these things
J L Spencer said...
Tomorrow April 1st. Many Ex British Royal Naval men, Some of whom are my friends, hundreds of them living here in Australia, will pause to Remember The 60th Anniversary of Operation Iceberg April Ist Easter Sunday 1945 in the Pacific, when thousands of lives were lost. More info at Op Iceberg On Google.
Jim ex Royal Navy 82. I served on HMS Formidable The large Fleet Aircraft Carrier. anti aircraft guns-pom poms crew-very busy-visits from kamikazes-death and destruction. Easter Sunday All fools day 1945 - many more weeks of the same thing to come-Brown trouser times- hardly a sunshine cruise.please see it on Google'Operation Iceberg' Thanks to our tight fisted Govt my self and others who fought here for Australia Are refused the GOLD CARD (MEDICAL CARD) FOR VETS.
J L SPENCER said...
Hello JIM From The FORMID. As an 18 year old at the time, my action station the Gun Direction Platform near the Bridge on HMS King George V, the flagship. I consoled myself into thinking I was too young to die, but there were times I was scared shitless. Ave a gud day Mate.
Mark, from Belmont nsw said...
Hi Vesty. great posts no confusing claptrap, read you every day, tell me where can I get J L Spencers book 'Waving goodbye to a thousand flies'-is the book as good as the cover suggests?
Mark from Belmont.The book in question is as you say; as good as it suggests. It is written as if you were listening to the characers at their actual age; they were at the time of the incidents portrayed, in this well documented account of one persons extraordinary love life and other intriguing adventures.$26-00 includes P&P, Ch or M/o for signed copy,to:J L Spencer, PO BOX 250, Budgewoi, NSW Australia, 2262. Check it out on the links.
Amanda said...
Vesty. try a spell check before you publish, you type too fast and miss some letters, good reading though. you missed (T)
Dear Amanda; or should I say Mandy? That (T) you mentioned was completely out of charac(T)er in my last comment, only perfectionists like your goodself would have noticed such a frightful mistake. Most people have something missing; like you dear Mandy. Judge not, lest ye be judged sport. (Try) a capital letter when you next start a sentence. Thanks for the correction anyway.
The last comment by some cowardly Anonymous creep was deleted due to excessive use of filthy expletives. Warning,keep it clean !!
Who is CS? Come clean, reveal your murky identity, without foul words,or you will be deleted again.
tony said...
CS? Could be the flambo gay polly who trolls troppo-when not trolling around the mens dunny on Circular Quay ..this will cause a stir!Yoiks!!
It is sat night I have returned from the Budgewoi Soccer club brahms and lidst.From what I can gather the comment from Tony who ever he is may suggest CS is a "Hello Sailor" type. OK i'll continue tomorrow-must sleep very tired 2 many JW's adios. singlet.
Having spent precious time perusing blogs various, those in particular whose authors form their own acrid opinion on matters political which in the main is a morass of uncomprehendable gunge and untruthful gobbledygook churned out regularly by word hungry syllabled tongued articulated artisans of word speak, who take delight when deriding persons that; their so called school room language is cheap and unworthy of mention. These failed achievers in the literary world who heap praise on one another (arse kissing It is called)rarely read each others comments or self opinionated literary achievements,there is a mass of this partially read mud slinging crap jamming the recycling bins, it continues to be spewed out by these unemployable aged pen pushing pricks, who probably have never put into practice what their pens have pushed. These so called articulated dumbells when lost for a impressionable alternate word consort to using filthy obscene expletives to highlight the garbage they have written, thus lowering themselves to the gutter where they belong. These gunge geezers are nothing more than mindless WORD SNOBS
J L Spencer said...
1742copies sold to date,$5,069.22,at ave US$2.91,9 month period, still selling. must be my easier to read down to earth writing; understood by the masses. Dont worry C, I will not be moving to Double Day.Thanks Vest.
Catherine. I live in Fairy Meadow, NSW said...
Hi Mr Vest.A odd name indeed, why? I assume that U collected a heap of S... From those guys on Troppo & the like, some R ok But most are who I find awe inspiring, most of their wanderings through political space powered by chardonnay I find dismal & lacking impact...never getting to the point. What would be your age bracket please, sadly I approach M A but fit of mind & body. C Y A soon.
Catherine. I live in Fairy Meadow, NSW said...
Back again...been trolling Troppo. My favourite jerkoff person Parish...not only misleading but contradicts himself continuously...what's the point in lying to your friend & I believe he has lost the plot..his vague impractical suggestions... loaded with his delightful hatful of distasteful e's in dreamland without doubt & many more like him who pander to his bilge scribble...CYA
Catherine no more name dropping, ok.Bloggers do not like getting a serve in return for their comments, they have unconditional authority over that which they preach, most were untamed dissident children and some still behave that way. Today I had a call from JLS who states that, his cleaner received a tel call from a blogger-some hacked up halfwit W from Melbun, an exchange of abuse followed. Warning any more of this whacko, Our minders Mario Frankie & Luciano will call to correct your problem. Let's hope tomorrow will bring a few pleasant moments. THIS POST IS CLOSED FOR FURTHER COMMENT.
home equity line of creditsaid...
Anonymous said...
so this is when it all began


Vest said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jimmy said…
No comments rom me?
I guess I was not yet born then

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