You are Watching Hebrew Television There is Nothing one can do about it.

It does appear that those who were ostracised by the govt of that 'One balled Chocolate waffling vegetarian Mr Shicklegruber, are now in total control of the media industry and walk hand in hand with their former enemies; the industrial and political Fascists. Both Ideologies seemingly working together lovingly.
Why do 95% of film makers; despite the many differing creeds and racial origins globally, always dominate their scripts with Hebrew names for their actors.
Mind you, cronyism and nepotism is rife within the film industry and would seem that since the dawn of the Hollywood film set up, the Cecil B De- Mille's, Fred Zimmerman's, Goldberg's and Spielbergs and the like, have passed down opportunities to their own extended families and creed, hence a few years ago an Australian fronting up for his film industry award stated to the embarrassment of many present,"Seems like I am the only Gentile here tonight".
I am sick of people who play the role's of people not of their obvious genetic make up.
For example, like an Arab or Jewish person, portraying an Anglo Saxon English country Lord of the manor or village Squire, named Larry Caplan and his beautiful A/sax wife Jennifer-nee- Finklestien. This was brought to my notice by a friend of mine , David, Moshe, Bennett, when only a few days ago told me that, he was staying in that night to watch some Hebrew television.
I am left wondering if I am the Only person to notice this. I don't need any anti Semitic crap either; my dear grand mother was Jewish.
I do not take exception to Pantomime role's where for example unshaven men in drag play the part of the Ugly Sisters and women are playing principal boys, that's just too funny, but I do find it distressing when a smelly Billy Goat portrays the part of a thorough bred.

Vest...Taking time off soon.


Anonymous said…
Wally here. I have noticed persons with concorde type probiscuses dont suit the part of Anglo Saxons, Nor would I being Squat nosed.
Anonymous said…
Meanining Jennifer, Sarah,Josh Mike,Sam and larry to mention a few.
Frog said…
How about Isaac-max-Sharon-Moshe-Irma-and Jacob.
The offspring of Samual Goldfish, now Sam Goldwyn
Anonymous said…
Gordon Say's. Owabaht Aaron, Israel, Deborah.Morton, Jenny,Adam
Anonymous said…
Does it really matter?
Vest said…
Prev-anon, "yes it Does matter". Rubber brain.

People like you would cast an elephant as a donkey in a nativity scenario.
My Granddaughters rocking horse would possess more grey matter than you anon. it's guys like you who would enter a Phuket put-put in the Indy 500, stonehead.
Anonymous said…
like casting a fish to catch a worm, these people exist among us and are breeding like bunnies on IVF.

Chiefy. hey wots with the comments dif, I dont have a URL and have to go Anon.!!!!
Jimmy said…
Who is dis Annony mouse ?
Jimmy said…
I hate it when Indians try to be English men in dress and accent
Jimmy said…
some Indians go crazy over white skin and pink
Anonymous said…
Vest. You have some serious issues. Shalom
Jimmy said…
About Me:

It is difficult to talk about herself. But ... Let's go ... I am a normal person, cheerful, that although it took several tumbles in life, always able to lift and heal the wounds caused by falls.

It is clear that scars are ... But ... the important thing is to live with them, and I know it very well. I argue tooth and nail those who are dear to me.

I hate lies, falsehoods and they step on the ball with me. Despite not having everything I love, I love everything I have.

In the life which I think is important to have the conviction that God exists and wants us to be happy.

For this and believe live seeking true happiness. I can die without finding it but I will die happy, because the important thing is that I always fought for it.

I'm more or less like more details just ask anyone who knows me or lived with me. And if someone wants to take care of my life to do so straight right? Kisses in your heart! Peace and Love Always

- Maria
Vest said…
Prev Anon; Don't we all have serious issues, apart from you clever dick brimmiing with archaic biblical wisdom and your own self opinionated bilge. Put a name to your comment next time shmuck, Shalom to you too Moshe Dickhead..
rosemary said…
Historically, Palestinian Israeli Jews and Arabs of that region are genetically the same.
Only their Habits and religions differ,if you Strip them down and shave them you will see there is no difference at all,except size.

Anonymous said…
And where did you first meet your husband rosemary in the nut house?
Vest said…
Anon: Rosemary and I first met on a nudist beach while I was counting a huge sack of 50 dollar bills, where she say's "She fell in love with me at first sight".
Rosemary said…
anon, it wasn't the money I fell in love with, dickko.
BTW, we have a pet monkey on its last legs, if you wish us to arrange a brain exchange, if and when the time comes, send your details
Jimmy said…
About Me


Sitting in the waterside and discussing about the philosophical aspect of life and love in general.

I love dancing, singing, reading, writing poems, interior decoration and intelligent yet humorous chat!

Spending my leisure where the water flows, or on the beach, on a hill top, in a shopping mall, a cinema multiplex,.. I love this....

and last but not least...... hours spent at home... cosy in the arms of someone I love and who loves me

I am alone since April 2007
WALLY said…
That's much better. back to normal.

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