Rain and more rain. becoming Cooler.

It will rain tomorrow, it always rains at Funerals. Rosemary Chris and myself will attend a friend and old Shipmate's Funeral.  You may comment tomorrow but I shall be busy.
Had a slight twinge in one of the large bottom teeth( yes 84 and have teeth). Extraction of teeth means large banking extraction, little wonder dentists wear masks.
Our pretty street has one drawback and it is one of our neighbour we call users and abusers. The grass on their frontage is 18 inches tall which compliments the weeds in their garden and which is decorated with two shopping carts a discarded Bicycle and helmet and umpteen local news papers and flyer's among five miscellaneous vehicles, uncertain of how many inhabitants, don't think they are Indians. it has been suggested they once lived in Bidwill an underprivileged suburb and became nouveau riche. they only communicate with an extended index finger. I have been unreliably informed they are nice people.
I visited 'World United Bloggers (HQ Cairo)'bunch of latent terrorists. must be in deep shock over recent events. The most recent ( and only) comments were submitted by yours truly.
Watched Eggheads last night get beaten in the final by a single student. they did not know the date of the spring holiday in England, I believe I mentioned it a few days ago that it coincided with the USA Memorial day on the last Monday in May.
On his daughters 18th birthday, our son Tim rang to give us the same message which was the same as his usual rant nothing has changed it seems, so sad, maybe one day a...... common ground will be found,  problem is his discourse is delivered as a sermon, where it  is culturally forbidden to talk back.
Ah well, I shall have another large scotch and  watch the late movie movie . Will be back later in the week

Vest...............Remember it is very vulgar to talk like a dentist when one isn't a dentist.
                       It produces a false impression.


C A. said…
I would give W U Bloggers a miss.
I will agree something has upset them as in the big shoot-up.
Debbie. said…
Hello Uncle Les and Auntie Rose.
Hope this finds you both well. Some good news for you at last, if you haven't already heard Uncle Perce has been discharged from hospital. He is now living with Linda and Leslie, so they will be able to keep you up to speed on how he is. So happy for him, he has really been through the mill hasn't he.
Dad is reasonably well, though is getting breathless on a daily basis, his gp says he has a slight heart murmur so I am going with him on Monday to hospital whilst he has a scan.
John started home dialysis two nights ago and is on a waiting list for a double transplant of kidney and pancreas. I am reasonably well, though my last scan showed a possible cause for concern, so I am being re-scanned around July to see if there is continuing change. On a happy note, Claire is pregnant with twin girls, they should arrive around the end of June. Will keep you posted
Lots of love
Deb xxxxx
Vest said…
Good news and not so good news.
Thanks Debbie. will email you.

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