Fine Weather and the Pecking Order.

Twelve Noon Saturday 30Th. The Sun is now tracking about 45dg higher since bottoming out on June 21st here in OZ strayer. At this moment we have a clear sky and a light Northerly wind coming down from the Equator,. Watching the cricket on Fox tel until 3am gave me a late start to the day, breakfast and kitchen chores completed, I toddled down to the back garden  hounded by my seemingly; adopted Magpie family,. After digging up carrots and parsnips I sat down under the shed lean to and  fed my Black and  White friends their brekky of cooked sausage meat and bacon fat, I have a feeling these birds may be of the Christian faith, also they tend to get  more intimate when I am wearing my white banded black beany.,, One of these Magpies has a dodgy leg but gets around OK, reminding me of the adopted single legged magpie chick we had in the seventies which fed from the same dish as the wife's two adopted cats one black the other white and deaf with pink eyes. the magpie was free to go but always returned and was locked away at night. one day it was discovered in the nearby reserve having been beaten to death with the stick which lay nearby, I recall Tim our youngest burying it in the front garden flower bed. Sad; but that was nearly half a lifetime ago.
I shall now join Nearest and Dearest in  the sunshine of our garden.
Everyone enjoy the weekend.... Back soon.Vest.

True. ...Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened.


Jane, Stokes - Honour. said…
I will be away from my computer until the morning of 3rd August and will get back to you as soon as possible.
Vest said…
Seems She's orf agin wiv er bucket and spade.

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