Weather .Front page. ....Dissident offspring. Anny's and birthdays.

Monday, 4 July 2011 Happy Independence day to those who dwell in Unclesamland on this Beautiful winters day here on the central coast of NSW in OzStrayer. Yes it's dry and sunny with a warm wind,. Most of the morning I spent pottering around the back garden plus feeding birds(feathered) who now take me for granted.

It was on this day in 1971 we boarded the 'Brittanis' which sailed for Australia at 1am the day following on Rosemary's 37Th birthday.
We called into Capetown on my 45Th Birthday and visited the top of Table Mountain 4,500ft?, then Perth,Melbourne on Tim's Birthday, We had a tour of Melbourne After the ship unloaded a large number of Greek and Maltese migrants. we traveled to the city on a dilapidated dock yard tram that had been delightfully adorned with many four letter words and other startling pornographic pictorial statements, It was winter and miserable Melbourne was at its best. We finally arrived in a Chilly Sydney August 4Th 1971.
My Favourite newspaper may get the flick shortly or sooner, I am cheesed off with this THUGby league shite clogging up the front page, unlike the result of the 1938 5Th cricket test when Oz was beaten by an Inns and 579 runs by the poms, the result was hidden between a hair loss advert and one giving a ten percent discount for a treatment for hemorrhoids. on average Thugby league pollutes at least the lst eight pages in recent weeks.

It seems D grade celeb Lara Bingle, Cricketer M Clarke's former squeeze is in deep mire with PETA over the wearing of a rabbit fur coat(fitting for her I would say)These PETA loonies still wear woollen socks and leather shoes, What's the diff.

At last we may follow several European countries stance on the well covered Burqa issues. Hopefully some of these introduced archaic Islamic laws will get the push. Should we ban this ridiculous habit or restrict it to domestic environs? Might come in handy when horses replace cars and the flies return in force.
Nothing lasts for long , the wind is up and dark clouds are forming; "Be about right."
BTW Tim. Thanks for your endearing messages, How sad, Does Mcfarlane's lantern still bother you?

Enjoy the forthcoming week....Back soon....Vest.


Vest said…
I am still having serious problems with posting. please ignore previous post.

Spellcheck Problems. Saving, and numerous other glitches.
WALLY. said…
Vesty ,you should get one of those new fangled computers that run on electricity , Ha Ha.
C A. said…
Vest, What is Mac farlanes lantern?
Vest said…
Sunny and cloudless today. Wind around 40 mph,.
Clothes Hoist travelling at 2.5 revs per second.
Wind gusts up to 100 plus expected on the central coast of NSW OZ.
Vest said…
CA. It is the Full Moon.

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