Today is VJ DAY, 1945. Also India and Pakistan Independance Day.1947

Did I hear someone Say 'Nah' It's VP day.'

Well if so you are echoing the words of little Johnnie Winston frigging Howard , Non combatant Chicken Hawk and one of our recently deposed conservative cheer leading bald headed Prime Ministers and Yankee Suckholer.

The straight forward fact is , Americans Australians and the British fought the Japanese forces for the benefit of Australia, both in the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, not just the Pacific Ocean.

The Typhoon in Sagami bay late August 1945 did not qualify, but was in itself a disaster, it was non combat assessed.

 Myself like many other Navy Boys returned to Australia after the Conflict some 66 years
ago, but I doubt If more than twenty five are still around and all surviving without a gold
card, being as they are not REAL Australians according to that stupid boneheaded group
of low IQ members named the Clark parliamentary Committee.

 Here is an anomaly: Several German forces members who fought the allies, migrated to
Australia after the WW2 , They became Australian Citizens (Like we have done) These
German Guys Joined the Australian Forces and did a tour in the Korean war ( As I did too
with the Royal Navy)

In the wash up it seems these German guys our former enemy and now true blue Aussie
servicemen are Gold Card medical benefit recipients. ....Seig heil Little Johnny pissing

Vest...... Former crew member of the British Battleship HMS King George V, Flagship of
the Wartime British Pacific Fleet !944 - 1945.

God save us from Politicians.
 He who is not courageous enough will accomplish nothing.

BTW Tomorrow I front up to Doc Kumar the renal Doc , I will be asked "Do you have a Gold
card Sir'' "Nah" I shall reply and fork out about $250 bucks. The difference between
being a real fascist Aussie and the traditional kick my ass Brit.

Back soon- Hopefully. To my friends In India and Pakistan have a joyous day..

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HMS KING GEORGE V AT GUAM - British Pathe click


Vest said…
Having huge Probs with posting nothing going right lots of cock ups.Cheesed off.
Vest said…
Read as is I have given up.B^@*^$%$#%^%%ks.
WALLY. said…
Mum says you are her hero and luvs
frog said…
Vest A war hero as well aa a lovable old asshole.
. 'Good on yer' sport.
Anonymous said…
Hi Mr B, aka Vest. we that is us ladies from the club love U2.
The anonomisses. xoxoxox

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