Weather forecasting Like whether it will or not Rain?

Vest Has Gone Fishing, Worm drowning, Have a Great Weekend.
Will be Back LATER Later later later, given good cause only.
How about each and everyone reading this, simply send me your very own weather forecast In your district and what you intend to do about it...Too much trouble or bothersome how sad. This message is going out to 71 addresses. I'll let you know how many respond... Vest
I have a twenty Dollar bet on already. accepted That, it will be less than ten per cent. we shall see.


Anonymous said…
Sat Aug 27 Fog then sunny 5 to 22 Davo at North Richmond NSW Australia.
Debbie, U/K. said…
Here in Portchester we have a mix of sunshine and showers, should be improving over the weekend, we are certainly due some summer warmth after all the rain and cloud we have had for far too long. Helping one son and his girlfriend move house tomorrow, off out for a family lunch on Sunday with nearest and dearest, then Happy Birthday to me on Monday lol. Thank you for my card, have not opened it yet.
Love to you all
Deb xxxx
Vest said…
At this moment in time, there are too many of you hoping I'll win the bet.
Come on now give the other guy a fair go.
Gazzer. said…
Min 7'C, Max 18'C
Morn Fine, PM, Cloudy.

Our P M is still cloudy over a number of matters, like dry cold and foggy.
Frog said…
Present New York 27C, Hum 67%.

change between 26C and 19C.
partly cloudy.
Eddie Jones said…
Today our forecast is frequent showers, some heavy. Tomorrow it will be sunny and dry,outlook the same.E J.
kate,..fb said…
Our forcasts are similar vesty, cold misty and damp in Budgewoi, Need a good cuddle.
Luvsya Kate xxx.
Lower deck lawyer. said…
Calling on you twice today.
Our local weather forecast 10'C - 19'C overcast possible showers.
For Newcastle N S W Australia.
Vest said…
I need one more forecast, I am currently on 9.99 percent. 7 from 71.

Read blog for info.
Vest said…
So I was right after all. lost my twenty bucks by a small margin.
The rest are probably off with their buckets and spades to the jolly old English seaside this Aug bank holiday weekend.
I can imagine them in their deckchairs rugged up against the beautiful hail and rain.
Anyhow its the thought that counts.
Have an exciting day.L J. B.

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