Lackadaisical Deed Poll Laws.

Why do we have such easy access for  criminal's to hide their real identities?
We are able to change our names so easily in Australia and eventually build a glossary of names to be used for all means of skulduggery, instead of its original purpose like necessary  judicial reasons and protection from former adversaries..
Page 2, Sydney Daily Telegraph Feb 1, shows pic of former business  associates of mine, Bob and Jean Furlong, Whose son was murdered in 2002 by Michael Sorrell, I'll spare you the sordid details ***, however, Michael Sorrell now AKA  Michael Striker a paranoid schizophrenic, is awaiting  possible release from a secure mental institution.
I suppose in reality there are many individuals  cavorting around using false  identities., even I have a business AKA and don't most of us have a peculiar blog monica too.

BTW,I sold a cleaning business to Bob and Jean back in 1975. My Original  Org is now two separate orgs owned by two relatives, prominent in the Sydney suburbs.

Q: who was the ex premier of NSW who owned a  Contract cleaning business, His nickname was 'Never Wrong'. No prizes for Guessing.........

 *** Google. Michael Sorrell.

Back soon .... Vest.

" An Idealist is a person who helps other people to be prosperous.


Lower deck lawyer. said…
Hi Vest. Answer is Mr Neville Wran. Radio Jock Robbo used Quaint terms for pollies like Mr Garbagecart (Russia) and Joebonkersbananas for Joe Bejelke Peterson.(Queensland).Mike.
Vest said…
Ldl: don't listen to much radio, is Robbo still on air? notice he is doing those bloody funeral addies.Remember him doing the sporting news, real funny. Re Wankhede Stadium Mumbai, Robbo says's aren't they all Wankhead stadiums.
It is a shame cricket has become so violent, plus the hugging and bum touching.
WALLY. said…
I wish this rain would stop I'm overworked and under paid.My mum sends her love.

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