Coles Supermarkets and Aldi Stores, Dodgy fishy food for Cats.

Are there any Cat owners out there who may have witnessed their pet pussy knocking back a feed of Sardines?..... The answer  in all probability would be a definite "NO"
However, I have a sneaky feeling there are cat owners out there who have experienced this phenomena and are too busy to complain. although I myself have experienced this on three occasions and am in the process of complaining in order that this doesn't happen again.
So on behalf of our Cat 'Tiddles' Also a moggie over the fence and 'Big  Barney' the black and white pawed  puddy tat who lives 100 metres from Coles Budgewoi and visits us regularly some distance away from home , they have this to say. the following brands of cat food that taste like s#((*e.
None of these Cats would eat any of these brands of Cat Food, not even a lick.

COLES Complete Cuisine,. Adult. Whole Fish in Smoked Salmon Flavoured jelly, 400g NET.
Made in Thailand.
Also in a Can of similar make and size ALDI STORES have similar ingredients as the Coles Can.
Silvester's CLASSIC, Sardines with smoked Salmon jelly.
Made in Thailand
Each can is adorned with a picture of a PUSSY   :-)))).

COLES AND ALDI  are advised to test these products and if necessary withdraw them from points of sale.


Thank you, VEST, Daily Gaggle.

BTW> Have your Sydney Daily Telegrapph delivered daily to your door.


WALLY. said…
Our Ginger Tom loves fish and eats most things but not from cans.
Zac. Sydney. said…
there's nothing worse than being close to a fishy smelly pussy.Zac.
Rosemary said…
IIt was offered to the Magpies and Crows who call for scraps in our garden 'No takers'... but the flies thought it was great.
Vest said…
Rosemary is the Cat feeder, but from my observations the jelly part of the so called Cat Food when coming in contact with the cats dish turns into a watery mess.
Our cat sniffed it then turned its head towards me and 'Me owed' her message was loud and clear.
Anonymous said…
supermarket bashing now, what next.
Vest said…
ANON: Not really. In fact our moggie and its friends who pop over the fence at feeding time rather like Aldi's 'Chicken and Lamb' also 'Mince and Beef',
Made in Australia, not sure if Cole's have something similar, mind you if they did it would more than likely be more expensive than Aldi, where we do most of our shopping.
Vest said…
Been away most of the day. two doctors appointments, enquiries, Tests and Xrays and waiting around in between made it a long day, on top of it all Rosemary's need to shop, plus I have been asleep for two hours prior to this and the day has simply disappeared, missed the cricket too. lost my readers for half an hour, things are coming together again. remember two nice nurses - not altogether bad. Having a cupper now, trying to normalise things. back soon .
Ginger Tom said…
Terrible nosh - dried my nuts for days.No pussy, very sad.
Vest said…
G TOM: or Wally. very droll.
Noelene, 71. said…
Hello Mr Vest.I usually buy whiskers for my Cat Bosun, but bought a tin of aldi's sardine with salmon jelly. poor Bosun became distressed after one taste,as you said the jelly turned to water, dreadful stuff.
Vest said…
Calls to this blog average 17 plua per day over seven years.45,461.
Calls yesterday the most ever,95.
Today 31.
Unknown said…
It is not always all that easy to feed your gib the best cat food. With so many options available it can be quite daunting picking the best cat food for your gib. When you start your search for the best cat food for your gib you should start by identifying what is the perfect cat food and what your gib requires in order to grow properly.

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