Post No 999.Happy Anniversary 'Rosemary'.

Happy Anniversary to My Dear Wife 'Rosemary'. Anyone capable putting up with a cantankerous old sod like me for 59 years deserves more than accolades. LOVE YOU LOTS ROSEMARY.XOXOXOX. Les aka Vest.


Jayne said…
Happy Anniversary! May you both have another 59 years of fun-filled bliss :)
Jane, Stokes-Honour. said…
Happy anniversary to you both. Hope you have a lovely day. Lots & lots of love Jane xxxxxxxxxx
Dylan said…
Happy anniversary for my grandparents. I hope you both have a wonderful day.

Lots of love for you. <3
Vest said…
Thank you Jayne, Jane and Dylan, also Tim and Jacinta who phoned.
Not bad from 46 contactable relatives and friends. Yet I am the aged one more likely to suffer forgetfulness.
Thank you Chris for the flowers.
The Editor said…
Either she's brainless (which I very much doubt) or you're not such a bad bloke.

Happy anniversary, both of you.
Vest said…
Strange but true, 38% of my known past and present relatives are Moderate and family oriented 'Cancereans', and just for starters includes my parents, my sister, my wife and I, two from five sons and the first Granddaughter, the list goes on......
Vest said…
Gerry: thanks for your call, anyhow you are probably correct this time.
WALLY. said…
Happy anniversary Vesty and your loving wife, she really must be a saint.
Rosemary. said…
A CO's report, one of many on hubby's service records states, A steady plodder who always gives of his best plus a SUP in blue ink, which apparently is a top mark.
Hubby also Say's the Capt or Co was a total loony.

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