Final Letter to Wyong Council.NSW Australia
From: Les Bowyer To: Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 3:19 PM Subject: Abuse of Council property. I would like to draw to your attention to the unkempt state of the road verge adjoining the property known as 11 Kewalo Avenue, Budgewoi. Since the visit of a Council Ranger a few weeks ago relating to another matter which was resolved, namely the parking of vehicles on the nature strip thereby blocking access to pedestrians etc. My registered trailer was parked on the nature strip for the purpose of preventing the nice gentleman at no 13 from destroying our frontage as he has done to his by using our frontage as an exit from his property (Nature strip). It has taken the person at Number 13 at least two weeks beyond the visit of said Ranger to get used to the Idea of not parking on the Said nature strip. Said neighbour parks his Ivan M type Vehicle actually in the water course, the passenger side wheels facing north and one metre from the bitumen edge. This in e...