Someone is telling Porkies, so get some pork onyer fork

Page Five today In my fav newspaper is a story by two misinformed journo's which relates to the jump in food prices since the advent of the insidious 'Carbon Tax'. A happy five person family watch while Mama San carves up a huge haunch of Pork in their Chatswood 'North Shore Sydney home'. Surrounding the pic are small windows with price indicators. Don't make laugh, but the facts are seriously wrong, simply because they may relate to a silver tail area where prices are rarely displayed by the local butcher or greeno who usually assess all customer charges according to the cut of their cloth. The Family in the pic who have done a bit of export quality whingeing and moaning are suggesting their Sunday roast is in jeopardy Due to the price rise for pork being in excess of 16 bucks a Kilo. This is enough to choke on your crackling if only it were true and some of the vegetable prices shown are completely out of whack. If you have pots of overflowing dosh and you are buying on impulse - or you never bother with a five minute squizz at what the three main tucker retailers have to offer the public , well you are bound to be seen off and all more fool you. Yesterday er indoors and I had a trot around the market, bought a two litre prestige glass oven proof bowl for five bucks, and for three bucks a ten inch high decor inlaid porcelain jug, I know it could be worth around one hundred to the right buyer. Then at con the green grocer the several varieties of veggies we purchased would cost far less than half that suggested by the journos from the Telegraph. Check this out. Aldi stores. have Boneless rolled leg pork $7-99 a Kilo. pork leg bone in, $4-99, a Kilo. Coles Supermarkets have similar prices, such as Easy carve pork shoulder roast at 7-00 per Kilo. and Lamb leg roast at Ten bucks a Kilo. Also Our local meat purveyors (butchers) have similar more economical offers than those suggested by my fav newspaper delivered daily to my door. Back soon ....Vest... sponsored by Pinky and Perky, Oink. Copy and google.


Lower deck lawyer. said…
Living in the inner Western suburbs of Sydney will give you a better option for retail purchases rather than the over rated Nth shore where the stockbrokers, nouveau riche and other professionals hide away. Mike.
Vest said…
LDL: Seems likely the price of pork is set to rocket for a minority of Gentiles and for closet Hebrews and Towel heads who have a liking for a slice of pork shoulder who live on Sydney's Northern reaches. The cost of cooking this delicacy will make them the 'Nouveaux Pauvres'.
C A. USA. said…
The carbon tax will not solve carbon emissions.
Chris B said…
Nobody should believe anything they read in the Sunday Telegraph. Even their jingle about Sunday not being Sunday without the Sunday Telegraph is untrue.
Jayne said…
I prefer hitting the local greengrocers and butchers (outside shopping malls due to the high rent) because they offer lower prices but better quality, most of them can tell me where the meat and fruit/vegs come from.
Local Sunday market has local backyard fruit/veg growers selling fab produce at cheap prices.
Vest said…
Although the price of wisdom is usually old age, intelligence and commonsense is available at an early age.

Thanks to Chris and Jayne for your comments.
Vest said…
Happy Birthday to my Wife and Lover Rosemary,XOXOXOX, Les.
C A. USA. said…
What are porkies?
Vest said…
C A. Porkies. Rhyming slang for Pork Pies. AKA LIES.

Are you on a different shift?
Jane, Stokes-Honour. said…
Hi Uncle Les

Big happy bithday to Rosemary. Lots of hugs and kisses to her xxxxxxxxx

Lovely to hear that Tim seems to have settled down . It a wonder ful thing to hear. I will ring soon and catch up on everthing.

Love to you all xxxxxxxxxxx

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