Woolies pulling the wool over again.

Last time a few months back  Woolworth's Australia (Not FW Woolworth of USA & UK) pulled a slick one which they hoped customers would  fall for when they raised the price of a leg of lamb By $3-00 a kilo and then gave a discount of $10-00 on all legs of lamb. Problem was they increased the normal size of the legs of lamb by not slicing off the leg chops which is done by most butchers to sell separately and reduce the leg to a budget size. The ploy  to sell more didn't work out in fact it backfired and they sold less.
Sunday Aug 19 Woolworth's The so called 'fresh food people' came under fire again". A journo from the Daily Telegraph (My favourite newspaper delivered daily to my door) Announced...
Now this may only apply in Ritzy double Bay or Point Piper and not on the Central coast where I and lots of nice and also clever people live.
Despite a sharp reduction most , Mid loin Racks and Cutlets at Woollies are still priced above those now being sold in most local butcheries and ALDI , also ALDI are selling Boneless rolled lamb forequarter for a dollar less than Woollies 'Bone In'.
.........So it seems if you want your neck chopped or you are a bonehead or a total sausage when shopping you will rack up  a bigger and more expensive experience by shopping at Woollies.

Remember There is only one success - to be able to live your life in your own way and not give others absurd, maddening claims upon it.
Vest, Back soon.

Wed Aug 22. Woolworth's Forequarter chops $8-99 Kilo.Lamb legs $10-79 Kilo.
Coles my local Aussie supermarket, Legs of lamb, $8-99.Kilo.
Woolworth's still have the highest mark up for most of their fresh meat products.


WALLY. said…
My Mum shops at Aldi mostly. she is tighter than a ducks ass when shopping but we live well.
Vest said…
Wally: And that's 'Water tight'.
You will probably get a thick ear for that remark.
Amy, Swansea. said…
Hi Vest. Long time since last call, sorry, babies and all that. Yes I shop at Aldi most times also dekko at the flyers in the mail box now I am a stay at home Mum. Where do you get the energy to keep plodding on, regards Amy.
Sounds just like French special offers...you took your glasses and a calculator as a matter of course...
Anonymous said…
As an Australian you should support aussie supermarkets not those run by germans and enemies of Australia shame on you vest.
Vest said…
the fly in the web:
Some years ago I was able to add the total cost of every price marked Item I bought at a Supermarket. At the checkout I was told my charge for the purchase. I then gave the exact "amount in notes and change, then "Ah" said the checkout chick, "you must have used a calculator".
"No" said I, "I was born with a brain".
Vest said…
Anonymous. Before I say more I would like to inform you that you are an idiot.

Germans (Were) Enemies of the State and not now.
German former enemies migrating to Australia, some fought with Aus forces in Korea in the Fifties. They were given a medical gold card on reaching 70 years of age.
Myself, I fought in the Pacific late 1944-45 for the benefit of Australia against the Japs, our home base was Sydney for replenishment. Oh and I also fought in Korea too !952-53. and never fought against Australia. But I am not entitled to a Gold Card. And I am 86 Years of age.
So up yours too Anon . I'll shop wherever it suits my wallet. Oh and BTW You are an Asshole too.
If I had a Gold Card, What I would save on my present medical expenses, could be spent on being ripped off at Woolworth's.
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Bill Edwards. said…
There were two Italian POWs who had been incarcerated in Australia who after WW2 became Australian citizen and directors in a now defunct RSL Club and Gold Card holders having served a short period in Korea with the Australian Army.
Some British who settled here after WW2 and fought against these Italians were considered lucky to become Aus Citizens, they too were denied the gold card. this anomaly stinks to high heaven..Bill Edwards Cpl RA. Desert rat, 91.
Vest said…
Bill: where is this RSL you mentioned?

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