Australian Test Cricketers - Over weight and over paid Wimps.

"JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE LOSING. NA Na NANA NA, What a petulant bunch of sore losers, spitting the dummy namby pambies, only a couple of players worth their salt. Read it in the Sydney Daily Telegraph. Long gone are the days when a batsman was given a more gentlemanly departing statement like" hard luck old chap" when given "Out" following a gentle clapping of hands. The spirit of the game has now descended to it lowest level, few teams would pass the skulduggery test. Likened to war minus the shooting.The weebix muncher 'Binga' heralded the 'AIR Punching ritual which sadly has been copied by other gormless bowlers, this is usually followed by the hyped up team members leaping on each others backs and patting each others Bums, makes one wonder what goes on in the dressing rooms away from the public eye. The latest news on the test series in India looks grim for the remaining bunch of Ducks. Remember the days when it was a hard slog winning in Australia? But that was when they had their own umpires - mostly crooked. It can only get worse. Today in History.1946.March 13, The Battleship HMS King George V Returns to Portsmouth ENG. Ten months after VE day and seven months after VJ day. The steering impaired ship the former Flagship of the British Pacific Fleet left Sydney on Jan 6 1946, steaming a boring eight knots all the way. at the time the ship had been in commission three years in three theatres of war yet the average age of its crew was 19.5 years approx.Just kids. I was an old kid of 19 and eight months. I retired 16-7-66 with all my teeth and no tattoos. oh I forgot, The RN still pay me a pittance.


WALLY. said…
Thought you were a true blue aussie. they cant help it if there a bunch of wankers.
Vest said…
Sort of Wally. Been an Oz for for 43 years now,it says so on a bit of paper, but no Gold card for defending Australia from the yellow hordes.
Google & Read 'Operation iceberg,' Okinawa.
Davoh said…
Sheesh, typical brit whinger.
Vest said…
Davoh: This post it simply rhetorical and I would hardly expect a reply from a dinky Di, then again you could have at least replied UM!.
C A, USA. said…
I guess those cricket players sure are all strange just as queer as the silly game.
Vest said…
Davoh: most of the Whingeing is coming from disapointed Aussie Sports writers who have few words of comfort for those Australian second rate bunch of serial misfits and losers. I hope that statement will annoy you as well.
Vest said…
CA: Some of the better cricketers have fun and enjoy the game. your fun from your livelihood comes from dismembering dead people. Can't imagine that being enjoyable unless you take home a 'Doggy Bag.'
Davoh said…
UM. While might agree with you about "overpaid" ; am not really old enough to remember the "bodyline" series when the Brits changed the notion of polite "gentlemen's" game of cricket and began aiming the 'hard ball' at noses instead of the 'stumps' - "wimps" might be a bituvva premature notion.

We're just waiting for the next Dennis Lillee .... heh.

Davoh said…
UM. While might agree with you about "overpaid" - might disagree about 'wimps'. We're just waiting fer the next Dennis Lillee .. heh.
Vest said…
If I find time I shall re write the long comment which for some stupid tech reason has simply "GONE"
Davoh. said…
Sheesh, just be thankful that they do. Am guessing that quite a few other "immigrants" to this country get 5/8ths of F all from "their" Gummints.


Vest said…
Davoh: bodyline bowling still exists, that is why players wear helmets.

Knowing by learning how to lose gracefully should be high on the OZ cricket team agenda.

Dennis Lillee and Rodney Marsh claimed more dodgy caught behinds than you could poke a stick at, present day tech would have exposed their trickery. having Australian umpires in Aus didn't help the cause for fair play. the Paki's were into all sorts of skuduggery period, having international umpires now has stopped local umpires from being helpful to the home team.
A certain high proflie paki was 'Out' LBW 3 times in ten years playing in pakistan, whereas he was 'Out' far more frequently on the arrival of International umpires.

To date: Rain stopped play in India.
Mary Borg. said…
Who cares about silly cricket - we have a new vibrant and caring leader - Pope Frances, glory to the world - Amen.
Vest said…
Hi there Mary. Glory to you too???.

I pity poor Frankie being dragged away from a seemingly quiet sedate and frugal life on the pampas in Argoland and being a Jesuit like Big Lugs a poss future newleader of OZ. Will Aussies become conditioned to 'J' Rule 13 and believe that white is black and and sometimes when convenient the complete opposite?.
Better be aware of notions like genius and inspiration; they are a sort of magic wand and should be used sparingly by those who need to see things more clearly.

Anonymous said…
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Vest said…
A depleted Australian Cricket team, somehow minutes ago achieved the highest first Wicket partnership for Aus in India. Unfortunately The first Wicket fell shortly after.
Cricket's no longer cricket. I think those vicious one-day matches started the damage.

By the way, did you know that baseball is actually rounders, a girls' game? So my mother tells me, she used to play rounders as a little girl when this place was a Brit. colony.
Vest said…
Yes I am aware of 'Rounders' being similar to the extension of the game called baseball. Rounders was not played at my all boys school, it was considered Feminine and only men in America played the girly game.
Am I wrong in thinking the 'Clogs' have left too and only the 'Frogs' are still in their devils island resort?
Been to several places in the Caribbean but not Guyana.
Thankyou for calling.X.
Vest said…
CA: Hope you read this. Your equally sily game of Baseball is called 'Rounders' in Britain and its far flung dominions. Rounders is an effeminate ball game played by ladies and American Wimps.
Vest said…
" Well done Peter Siddle", The No 9 Lower order bowler Batsman, expected to fail when the top order fails. But Peter scored the highest in both of Australias innings, 51 and 50, a world test record.
Vest said…
listening to that prize dickhead commentator 'David Lloyd' or Bumble as he is commonly referred as would be tantamount to as sacriledge he being English and rubbing salt in the wounds of the English and openly declaring he hoped New Zealand would win.
fortunately Bumble was wrong England fought out to a honourable draw, with Matt prior 110 not out while his partners made 8 runs between them. well done Matt.

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