Autumn now but Summer continues.

Sunday 24TH. Rained a bit last night, the sun is creeping higher in the cloudless sky to add to the discomfort of the expected humid 30c at noon today,and we are going shopping soon, the shops are less populated when the misc worshipers are absent praying for the sins they have committed this past week. I wonder what wickedness you have been involved with during the past week? Myself; well apart from using strong language in a anonymous letter to our local council, I have been pleasantly disposed to most of my contacts except the next door ginger tom who was hosed down to cool his ardour.
The bad news this past week is, we didn't win lotto and the god news is my dreaded 'C' has disappeared from my water tank, but I still have to have periodical? checkups.

Have been doing a lot of ifs  buts and why's over the possibility of her and I trotting over to the Sceptred Isle, Problem is Although I have a licence to drive in the U/K inspecting the road in front of you and not taking in the vista would mean avoiding this would require a driver like the previous visit . Our eldest was not interested in my suggestion that, we pay his fare and all car expenses and his keep as was the previous visit.. What would  be required is a pick up from Heath row and a relative with vehicle paid to drive us and stay with us on our travels from place to place, Any Offers
we suggest a Portsmouth or Oxford  based driver with time to spare, unemployed or retired..


Anonymous said…
How much are you offering for the job.
Dylan said…
We've had pretty intense weather the past few days up in Brisbane. Funny how most of Summer is spent with floods and never ending rain and then Autumn comes to do what Summer was meant to do.

And then we get a giant ass storm yesterday to follow up the large amount of heat.
Jane, Stokes-Honour. said…
Hi Uncle Les

So pleased to hear that the dreaded "c" has gone. Brilliant news. Re your visit to good old blighty. Its such a shame that Chris will not be coming. There will be no bother picking you up at the airport I could certainly do that. Not the best driver in the world though!!!!!! Neville, Mark and myself all work full time-mores the pity- so will not be able for most of the time to take you around. Im sure there would be odd days where we could help out. Unfortunately Neville has only a two seater van. Hope you get lots of responses.

Lots of love to you all xxxxxxxx
Vest said…
Anon : If I knew who you were we might discuss your Query, OK.
Vest said…
Dylan: Where I am sitting with blinds closed and sun beating down outside is a cool 80f in the old money, no a/c and no fan no sweat, one becomes aclimatised in time.
thanks for your call, heir to the throne.

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