Do you get like that sometimes when sitting down and banging away at the keyboard becomes boring and tedious, .particularly when your attention is constantly required elsewhere most of the time meaning never ending interruptions, what with the wife's hair do schedule clashing with a visit to the passport office. Our son Chris is doing all the passport arranging and all being expired requires more poking around for expired passports going back even to when we first arrived in Australia.
Well I suppose that in itself tells you we are off with our bucket and spades to that Sceptered Isle set in a silver sea in the near future, about July 20?. this in itself will avoid our OZ winter or most of it.
There is a two month time frame to sort out the details of the visit, and I shall be in contact with those who have suggested generously providing transport from Heathrow to Portsmouth which will be our first visit. More later UNC LES>


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