Always travel with a 'Walking Stick'.

My absence from blogging over the past six weeks was mainly due to my wife Rosemary and I trotting off to visit UK relatives in England, and possibly for the last time due to our advancing years not being able to cope with the rigours both outward and homeward journeys by plane. for those who have never taken up the challenge to travel Economy alias Cattle class. flying long distances in a seat far from being the most comfortable can be bloody irritating to say the least in a nine hour then a 13 then a short hop of two hours, then after your holiday you are faced with the same dilemma during the return flight home.
We flew with Air France/ Sth China Airways,  alias 'Benny Hills Fred Scuttle Airlines' El cheapo , if four grand is cheap sourced from the Flight Centre.
Here is a travel tip, steer clear of  Communist China at all costs, Hong Kong may be OK but that Canton (Guangzhou) airport facility and those arrogant ass holes who run it need a lesson in civility, plus a five hour gap between flights and a 16 hour  stop over requiring a hotel on our return was a pain in the ass. I shall spare you the sorry details.
On a brighter note it can be said that our visits and reunions with various groups of relatives were all amicable friendly and happy, all of whom went out of their way to make our  visit pleasing and enjoyable.
On arrival at Sydney Airport when starting out , I was spotted using a Walking stick and was immediately transported to the front of the queue by an airport employee together with my wife.
However on arrival in Guangzhou China the sympathy angle was absent, but at Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris I was transported by wheelchair from the plane when the walking stick was spotted.
But the best was yet to come. On arrival at Heath Row Airport London, I was taken from the plane by wheelchair for a short distance then my wife and I were taken by electric trolley to arrivals and given priority and cleared baggage and customs , then met our niece Christine who showed the man pushing the wheel chair to the waiting car for our trip down to Portsmouth our first visit.
On our return journey a similar wheel chair enactment took place everywhere except for  Commo China.
 The past week has been used getting  things back to  order again, the cleaning the garden and the pantry. I also won $152-65 on the lotto while away, same old grumps paid out my miserable winnings.
And today I passed my aged driving test; which is good until I reach 89 years ; had a good chat on the way with the examiner about UK driving conditions, the guy was from Sidcup in Kent UK.
As for the cricket - nuff said you Ozzie's have blown it - better luck next time.

Remember, Anything you are good at contributes to happiness.

 BTW,  All of those UK Relatives  we visited, Thank you all.

Vest , Back soon.


Dylan said…
Haha. Thank you for the future advice! A walking stick, and possibly older age is the key to great airline service, excluding China.

Sounds like it was a great trip!
Dylan. said…
The photos look great and it seems like it was a nice time away!

I hope both you and Grandma are feeling well after the uncomfortable flight home!

Jane, Stokes-Honour. said…
Hi Uncle Les

It was lovely to see you both and so pleased that you enjoyed your stay in good old blighty. Haven't managed to open the dropbox yet but there must be a way. I will fathom it!!!

Speak very soon. Lots of love to you both Jane xxxxx
Vest said…
And thank you all , meaning those who were very helpful and generous to us during our trip. And to some in aussieland who didn't know about our departure, it doesn't matter now, we are back if it makes any difference, no need to call; we haven't won lotto yet.
BBC said…
I never fly anywhere, I did go to Montana recently to meet a blogging friend for two days of camping and fishing but I drove. She and her hubby are great folks.

Vest said…
Hi Billy. Must have been a great experience, Those pics were great. So they are coming to see you next vacation, What is on offer in Utah?
BTW you gone biblical or some fink or just sticking to my code of behaviour?

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