"Blood on the Friday night".

Didn't want to over stretch the  local community health services particularly the  emergency ward of our local hospital,which has enough problems dealing with alcohol fuelled injuries overloading the system, hopefully I thought it would subside by the morning after a good nights sleep, anyhow I was feeling too tired to venture forth at night. plus the winter chill was off putting.

Twice up during the night, the claret was developing a deeper pink,however at 5-30 am it had become like fortified port.
Chris did the phoning and  Rosemary the necessary bag packing, I hurriedly washed and dressed and was ready for the Ambo's when they arrived.

The fifteen minute ride tho Wyong Hospital was spent sorting out the problem and a bed was available on arrival. After preliminary investigation it was decided at 1130 am to send me to Gosford  Hospital, after a bit of a bumpy ride I arrived. Shortly after I was given a bed in K4 ward, Bed 13; .
not to be misjudged - was by a sunny window and fairly comfortable.

My treatment at Gosford hospital over the past 2.5 days was superb , the pleasant attitude of the staff in general top notch , could not wish for better.

I am back at home now taking it easy, still feeling weak after a loss of a arm and leg of blood, will get back to you soon
Vest,   daily gaggle.

"Alone we can do so little: together we can do so much".

Thanking  the  staff at Wyong and Gosford Hospital. LJB in bed 13.Gosford KA Ward 4.

Update 30-8-13.  Delete

BloggerVest said...
5-17 AM:Frid 30. I am pissing blood, have packed my things washed and am ready should I have to return to hospital.
Will ask chris to do updates on this blog. ta for now.


Dylan said…
Glad the event went well for you and you recieved good service at the hospital!

Hope you're feeling better soon.
Vest said…
Thanks Dylan for your concern.
Grandma and I are proud of you. How's UNI?
Jane, Stokes-Honour. said…
Hope you are feeling much better now, Love Jane xxxxx.
Vest said…
A message to other bloggers whom I have called on in the past

Due to health problems, I am unable to call on your blog as frequently as before in order to prop up your comment numbers, If perchance you call here then I shall return your call should it qualify for a return call.
I have read most of your posts since my return from the U/K, but being busily involved like you must be - is my excuse for not commenting.
Each and all, Have a nice Day, Vest.
Christine Marsh. said…
Hi Uncle Les, sorry to hear this, I hope you'll soon be feeling much better and back to your old self again, let nurse Rosemary and nurse Chris take care of you and get better soon.
Thanks very much for the lovely thank you card I received from you both earlier this week, Dad got his too and was very pleased with it.
We enjoyed seeing you both and I know Dad appreciated the company, he doesn't get many visitors and I sometimes worry that he's lonely.
He's coming to me on Monday for a few days so we'll have a couple of days out and a catch up.
Get well soon and love to you all.

Lots of love Christine xxxxxxx
Vest said…
Seems the front page story in the Sydney Daily Telegraph is in denial to what I have experienced in our State Hospitals.
A difficult to swallow account of a woman waiting nine hours for attention to a suspected appendicitus problem together with sleeping on the waiting room floor at a Campbelltown Hospital is out of context from the normal hospital procedures.
I personally fear there is some embellishment of the facts used by the complainants.
Anonymous said…
Not all communities share the same attitudes or symptoms.
Bidwill Mt druit and raby in Cambeletown are similar.
Vest said…
Anon: I presume you mean less affluent communities, with fewer niceties, underprivileged.

It costs no more to be pleasant than to be unpleasant.
Vest said…
5-17 AM:Frid 30. I am pissing blood, have packed my things washed and am ready should I have to return to hospital.
Will ask chris to do updates on this blog. ta for now.
Cindy Eastwood. said…
Have we not enough blood on our hands without joining america in yet to be another futile venture saving Arab Muslims from slaughtering each other in Syria what is your opinion Mr Vest.
Vest said…
Hi Cindy: My opinion is deadly secret otherwise people will be naming me as a racist. However if you promise not to tell anyone which I am sure you won't, or i'll smack your bottom, my opinion is we should arm all dissident Arab (Muslim) countries for free and allow them to slaughter each other willy nilly.
last men standing would be sent for trial and be found guilty, then given the option to become catholics or be hanged by their balls until they enter the kingdom of virgins, or sumfink like that.
Tony. said…
Hi dad, Happy fathers day, will give you a bell later today, Tony and bec xoxoxo

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