Post no 1411. Travellers to Geat Britain(UK) Beware. plus Halloween 'A Con'.

Travellers heading for Britain have bee warned to beware of the weather as the nation battens down the hatches for the biggest storm in Twenty six years.
The storm formed in the gulf of Mexico and has been rapidly bearing down on Britain. Forecasters have warned its strength is approaching the infamous1987 'Great Storm, with winds up to 200km/h, which killed 18 people and destroyed Fifteen million trees in southern England ( An unconfirmed report that several hundred greenies suicided hasn't been traced as yet).
The storm has already been named the St Jude's Storm - named after the patron saint of lost causes believed to be a Victorian blogger from OZtrayer. whose feast day falls on this coming Monday.It is expected that the storm will stuff up the British having 'Yankee inspired Halloween celebrations'.
 Halloween may be seen as a treat for children but those of us with a brain believe it is a trick by the CON fectionary industry to exploit fat children who normally do not walk and sit at computers most of their sedentary lives. On our front Door on the 31st expect to see a "Bugger off" sign.
As for the storm, the pommy Chief Forecaster at the Met office said the storm was likely to  rapidly intensify just west of the U/K late on Sunday night before tracking across England and Wales on Monday in time for Halloween.

Who knows where inspiration comes from? Perhaps it arises from desperation.
Perhaps it comes from the flukes of the universe, the kindness of the muses.

Readers are cordially invited to comment on this post and where possible a reply to your comment will be in order. Particularly those pommy rello's from the old Dirt. Enjoy your storm. tell me all about it first hand.

Enjoy your Halloween,      Vest,...... Back very soon.


S. UK relative. said…
Vest or Les as I know him is a generous soul, he is pulling your leg.
Vest said…
laugh of the week;

Going through recorded British TV EGGHEAD Programns. The subject was film and TV. The contestants were staff from a sexual diseases clinic.
The Question, "What is a Clapometer?"

Despite the grins on their faces they gave the correct answer.

An audience clapping recorder.
Anonymous said…
Promises of rain from Mother nature in NSW have again been aborted.
Farmers and gardeners are anxiously waiting for the arrival and break of mother natures new storm and a flood of rain to follow
BBC said…
Random events produce random results.
Vest said…
Hi Billy: where have you been hiding, thanks for your call.
Malcolm&June Thetford U/K said…
Hi Les, Now 3.30 A.M. Just got in from work, been raining here in the east for the last few hours, but no strong winds yet. The south is just getting them now, over 90 mph reported in the IOW. We are expected to get it in a few hours time. Latest is that it should clear the east coast by late morning. Will update you later in the day, after I have been to bed.
Love to you and Rose, hope you are keeping well.
Malcolm & June

Sent from my iPad

On 28 Oct 2013, at 02:57 am,
WALLY said…
It hasn't rained here for 24 days since my last flood job.
Vest said…
Anon: We are still waiting for mother natures water to break here on the Central Coast.

Wally: I was on the train that day heading south, we had Hail as well.

Thanks Malcolm: even in need of sleep you found time to answer the call.
Hilda frost. said…
Hilda frost from your club. denegrating women and using the sanctity of birth to explain a rain storm is unacceptable. you men are so moronic.
Vest said…
Hi Hilda: Did someone give you my business card for fun.
Folks Hilda is a fun loving person best seen during the hours of darkness say her men frinds.
Then Hilda goes home and scolds her children for sucking their thumbs.
I rest my case. Good bye horrible Hilda.
Hilda said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Jane,Stokes-Honour. said…
Hi Uncle Les

Not more than a slight flurry in Bicester. I think the south coast had it worse with a few casualties unfortunately. Still horrible here though-damp!!!!

Hope life is treating you all well. Robert came back from Ecuador yesterday after 10 months so lovely to have him home.

Lots of love to you all xxxxxxx
Vest said…
Thanks Jane for your reply.
We have a lot of relatives on the south coast who have not yet replied Luv u. UNC LES xx.
Vest said…
A complete lack of response from Most of my Relatives on the South Coast of England under normal circumstances is quite normal, with their additional stress nothing will get through.
So if less than one minute of your time and six finger movements on your PC is creating hardship and stress for you, Hope is your only solution.
The generosity of your time no matter how little is the most valuable gift you can give.
Malcolm U/K said…
Hi Les,
Just a quick update on the weather. The storm has passed! we have been lucky in Norfolk, 50 miles south of us had it quite bad, with trees down, and lorries and a bus being blown over. The south coast has had it worst, but it was not as bad as the storm of '87. This time the predictions were on the ball, and lots of precautions put in place, with transport cancellations announced before the event. There have been lots of power cuts, but it should be restored tomorrow, not us though! Lots of stories on TV now of narrow escapes, but luckily very few deaths.
All for now. time for bed.
Vest said…
Thanks Malcolm. Very little U/K news in our local Sydney Daily Telegraph, Which is currently involved in a hype of Show Biz and 'B' Grade Royals, Thugby and other crap. Sometime it doesn't make sense why I buy this effing paper.
Have a rewarding day.
Vest said…
Mother natures water broke today on the Central Coast NSW. It has rained for the past five hours. Our first rain for twenty six days.

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