SYDNEY; CITY OF SIN versus PARIS and STOCKHOLM. plus 'A Brothel Smell.'
Followers of St Thompson De Brothel discarded MP. and serial Porn wanker, who are the ardent readers of The Sydney Daily Telegraph 's Pornography pages to wit the Brothel daily classifieds, may soon find their sordid wick dipping escapades fiscally out of reach, that is should our grafting miscellaneous Govt bodies throughout Australia follow the laws on prostitution in those of two major European countries.
French Politicians have set in stone; laws which that will make the clients of prostitutes liable for fines starting at 1,500 Euros - Equiv to Aus$2250.
The anti - prostitution legislation was approved by the French lower house National Assembly and is expected to receive Senate approval before the end of this year.
The French decision was inspired by similar legislation in Sweden which penalises the users of prostitutes.
Of course it would be interesting to discover Why? there is a starting point in the scale of fines.
Maybe 'Size Does Matter'. "Avez-vous quelque chose de moins cher"?. Answer " Not if you wish to touch the sides'
JOKE....A Sailor going home on leave who had used a powerful deodorant, was told by his senior officer , "If I went home smelling like you - my wife would think I had been to a Brothel".
The Sailor replied " Don't worry sir, my wife doesn't know what a brothel smells like".
Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip.
Vest..... Back soon.
French Politicians have set in stone; laws which that will make the clients of prostitutes liable for fines starting at 1,500 Euros - Equiv to Aus$2250.
The anti - prostitution legislation was approved by the French lower house National Assembly and is expected to receive Senate approval before the end of this year.
The French decision was inspired by similar legislation in Sweden which penalises the users of prostitutes.
Of course it would be interesting to discover Why? there is a starting point in the scale of fines.
Maybe 'Size Does Matter'. "Avez-vous quelque chose de moins cher"?. Answer " Not if you wish to touch the sides'
JOKE....A Sailor going home on leave who had used a powerful deodorant, was told by his senior officer , "If I went home smelling like you - my wife would think I had been to a Brothel".
The Sailor replied " Don't worry sir, my wife doesn't know what a brothel smells like".
Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip.
Vest..... Back soon.
I will decide what I write in this blog not you.
Thank you for calling.
Mind you even those tended to draw a bit on the entertainment costs. but apart from once and at the beginning I never did get caught out on the Early Bird syndrome.
Worms like C T need to be Bird food.
Amy and not withstanding whether I have a large plonker to play with or not I shall decline your offer simply because it has never played in a cathedral before.
Block head Warner can help him out with the wifey bit - his brain is mainly in his testicles.
no use asking you vest age doth weary you you old codger.
They have all creeds colours and sizes - even a size plenty.G A.