Today in history, Malaya, June 20, 1953.

Sixty one years ago .Myself  26 and Rosemary 18  A beautiful lady from Portsmouth England, were married in St Christopher Church in Johore Bahru, Johore, Malaya.
Rosemary is still loving and obeying and is at the moment fixing my breakfast, " Love You Rosemary"..

All of our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to persue them.

Vest ....Back soon.


And a very happy anniversary to you both.
River said…
Happy Anniversary. I married at 18 too, but it didn't last. We separated after 23 years and divorced a year later.
Rosemary Vella. said…
Great to see you still have a great sense of humour and are in pretty good health. Keep laughing.
Vest said…
Thakyou EC also River and and R, Vella for calling.

For info. Rosemary Vella a dear friend from the past, was also a 'Checkout Chick er! Chook - for Franklins.
Christine said…
Happy Anniversary for yesterday to Auntie Rosemary and Uncle Les. We hope you both had a wonderful day and we wish you many more years of happiness together. Not many couples can truthfully say they have had 61 years of wedded bliss, sending you all our love. From Christine Steve Dick and all the family xxxx
C A,USA. said…
Hi you old 'B' where's malaya. so its dear old unc les is it.
Vest said…
Ca: Malaysia was called Malaya back in 1953, it changed in 1960.
And less of the old "B' from you,
Your posts are a reflection of your occupation; Morbid.

CA is employed at a mortuary, or Morgue if you are a Yank
Vest said…
Hi Christine: Everthing turned out fine, except No's 2,3,and 4 sons failed to communicate. Tim our serial prodigal son stayed for two days without incident, Chris kept him under control.Yes all went well. Thanks Christine For your call. Unc Les.
Rosemary Vella. said…
Congratulations to both of you, and many more happy years.

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