Divided They Fall.

Tomorrow Thursday Sept 18, Registered voters in Haggis Land Will vote Yea or Nay in a referendum which will seal their fate one way or another, and a yes vote will give the bagpipe blowers independence from Britain for ever. Lesser thinkers unlike the wise who realize that a 'Yes' vote will cripple Scotland and bring mass Exodus of financial Business, fearing the rampaging left wing Bludgers - will be the downfall of a new scottish Govt. Despite any pre conceived ideas that the north sea oil revenue will jack up Scotlands ever increasing unemployment which is purely a myth, as Scotland does not own or control the North sea oil Industry, local thinking is we will become another Saudi Arabia, which is out of the question. There is greater unemployment in Scotland than the rest of Britain, Scotlands bagpipe blowers have an unemployment rate nearly that of Lakemba in NSW Australia. Britain or what is left of it have decided not to invade Scotland despite claymore waving antagonists hoping when they become Skint Conquering the Scots again will bring financial relief. However, should the Scots become independent, it is expected Scots entering Britain at border checkpoints will have to stand on mirrors to ensure they are wearing more than just socks under their Kilts. Question is , 'Will the Blue be removed from the JACK'? Vest.... Back soon.


Anonymous said…
It is in the main people with little brain or wit who could be the cause of any stupid division.
Aussie Jock.
Vest said…
Aye Jock: So you exited the highlands in order to achieve rather than just receive. Tis a bonnie feeling knowing the shekels in your sporran were honestly earned.
Anonymous said…
The feedback from news in the uk seems to be telling the world the Yes voters are in the main a bunch of ignorant rednecks who are bent on achieving independance by intimidation of some vulnerable would be No voters.
Aussie Jock.
Anonymous said…
There will be little feed back from this post as most Aussies don't have a clue where scotland is as most have never left aus even to visit tassie.
Aussie Jock.
Anonymous said…
There will be little feed back from this post as most Aussies don't have a clue where scotland is as most have never left aus even to visit tassie.
Aussie Jock.
Anonymous said…
There will be little feed back from this post as most Aussies don't have a clue where scotland is as most have never left aus even to visit tassie.
Aussie Jock.
Anonymous said…
There will be little feed back from this post as most Aussies don't have a clue where scotland is as most have never left aus even to visit tassie.
Aussie Jock.
Anonymous said…
Patrick Marks: I can't see society suddenly becoming much fairer and free from poverty under independence and feel that there will be a period of turmoil as we suddenly discover how difficult it will be to change to the extent claimed by yes campaign.

At present local authorities are facing huge cuts and this will not disappear with independence and I haven't heard yes explaining how they will plug the gaps in this area which affects the most vulnerable in society. Oil is not the panacea for everything. I'm afraid I feel that yes are telling untruths which will disappoint those voting for the first time when the changes promised don't materialise
Vest said…
I am glad I live in the lucky country, no decisions to make here. I'm off to bed, Yes or No.
Vest said…
It would seem the Scots being a canny lot especially those with intelligence will vote "NO"
First four results have been "NO"
Vest said…
It seems the vast majority of Scots have a brain after all.
If push came to shove, England might declare unilatersl independance from Scotland Wales and NTH Ireland, 50 million English have less unemployed than ten or so million population in the remainder of Britain.
River said…
I most certainly do know where Scotland is! And I haven't traveled, even to Tassie, because I simply can't afford to.
Vest said…
River: That was anons call. I believe more Australians are migrating to Britain than the opposite , especially the wealthy and the odd Peodophile.
I wish you great wealth and happiness.
Pom UK said…
River, knowing where scotland is can be helpful in not making a mistake and going there1.

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