The Morality of Dishonesty.I'M Back.

The Morality of Dishonesty. A few years ago robbers entered a bank in a small town. One of them shouted: "Don't move! The money belongs to the bank.Your lives belong to you.” Immediately all the people in the bank laid on the floor quietly and without panic. This is an example of how the correct wording of a sentence can make everyone change their view of the world. One woman lay on the floor in a provocative manner. The robber approached her saying, "Ma'am, this is a robbery not a rape.Please behave accordingly." This is an example of how to behave professionally, and focus on the goal. While running from the bank the youngest robber (who had a college degree)said to the oldest robber (who had barely finished elementary school): "Hey, maybe we should count how much we stole.?" The older man replied: "Don’t be stupid. It's a lot of money so let's wait for the news on TV to find out how much money was taken from the bank." This is an example of how life experience is more important than a degree. After the robbery, the manager of the bank said to his accountant: "Let's call the cops and tell them how much has been stolen." "Wait”, said the Accountant, "before we do that, let's add the 800,000 dollars we took for ourselves a few months ago and just say that it was stolen as part of today’s robbery." This is an example of taking advantage of an opportunity. The following day it was reported in the news that the bank was robbed of 3 million dollars. The robbers counted the money, but they found only 1 million dollars so they started to grumble. "We risked our lives for 1 million dollars, while the bank's management robbed two million dollars without blinking? Maybe its better to learn how to work the system, instead of being a simple robber." This is an example of how knowledge can be more useful than power. Moral Give a person a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a person a bank, and he can rob everyone.


WALLY. said…
A few days ago I discovered 'Why Dentists wear masks'.
Give a person a bank and he WILL rob everyone.
Davoh said…
have just posted a 'link' to this on Womby's drivel.

(ps. text comment capcha?? Um, postbox 306???)
Davoh said…
there IS no "text" dammit!!
fuzzy one eight
River said…
I'm wondering why a woman would lie down in a provocative manner?
Vest said…
River: Good question, several options. Firstly a given opportunity to acquire something that has passed her by for some reason or other. Another to delay the departure of the robbers who have just stolen her cash deposit sourced from her sordid job at the local bordello.then again who knows why some women act impulsively to get attention.
Women have a right to be different.
Thank you for calling.
Vest said…
Thank you Wally, Elephants Child and Davoh for your comments.
Amy,...Swansea. said…
Hi saucy mr vesty. you can come and rob my bank any time, ooh.
Vest said…
Sorry Amy, I only do deposits, and I am HARDLY likely to need the services of your bank.

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