Christmas Constipation.?

Whoever sent this message to my blog 'thank you;' I shall pass it on. However, the Chrissy Pud has worked wonders and there is little need for any drastic measures to be taken by myself to evacuate my internal plumbing.
The following is a message of hope for those who have gorged themselves silly over the festive season. and are suffering from Belly Balloon.

Movicol is a brand-name laxative manufactured by Norgine.UK
Each sachet of this medicine contains macrogol (polyethylene glycol) 3350, an iso-osmotic laxative, along with sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride and potassium chloride. Electrolytes are included to help mitigate the possibility of electrolyte imbalance and dehydration. The contents of the sachets are mixed with water to make a drink. The range of Movicol includes Movicol Junior, Movicol-Half, Movicol Chocolate and Movicol Plain. Movicol is currently the largest selling laxative in the world in value terms.
Macrogol is an inert substance that passes through the gut without being absorbed into the body. It relieves constipation because it causes the water it is taken with, to be retained in the bowel instead of being absorbed into the body. This increases the water content and volume of the stools in the bowel, making them softer and easier to pass. According to new guidelines previewed in a story at the University of Maryland, isosmotic macrogol can be used to treat constipation in Parkinson's Disease patients (it is an often-overlooked non-motor symptom).

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Maralyn said…
Pleased to hear from you, this email made me laugh thank you.

Did you get an I pod for Christmas, if so lucky boy.

Did your family come to see you, how is Rosemary well I hope, did she enjoy Christmas.

We had a very quite Christmas just Fred, David our son and me, we had a good dinner of pork, ham and trimmings that David cooked for us.

Christmas is not the same without children.

Bye for now


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