Will the A B C Aus get it right?

During the most recent Channel Seven program 'Millionaire' , the presenter asked the contestant to answer all of the five final questions. Unfortunately he failed on one question which was, " In which sea is the Island of Corfu in the Mediterranean" . the contestant replied the 'Adriatic sea,' the Quiz master then stated it was incorrect.
There are times when your past returns to haunt you, Namely while serving on The Royal Navy cruiser HMS Mauritius shortly after the incident 'The mining of the two British destroyers in the Corfu channel 22nd Oct 1946.
What happened  was the HMS  Mauritius led the flotilla through the channel and the destroyer HMS Saumarez struck a mine followed shortly after the Destroyer HMS Volage also being struck by a mine. In all both ships were write offs also 44 sailors killed another 42 wounded and all of this occurred in the 'IONIAN SEA'   not the ADRIATIC our bright boys at AUS ABC are saying, on the newscast where in a similar location  a Greek owned Passenger ferry is currently in danger of sinking and is on fire.

" Getting it wrong can be a wealth hazard." Yes , I answered all five Questions correctly (True) godsonner..... Vest.. Back soon..... A Happy New Year, Everyone'....

Check the mining incident on Google. lots of info.
Also The name of the Captain of the HMS Mauritius  was Captain 'Lord  Ashbourne;'. according to my service records. during the Exodus probs in Palestine.Where the ship left  Haifa in a hail of small arms fire on the morning of May 14 1948. another small episode during my Naval career. Fini.

Spell check gone again.


Lower deck lawyer. said…
Ok Vesty(smartass),what was lord Ashborne's real name? Mike.
Vest said…
L D L: Without Looking for it Smarty pants, I believe it was Edward R Gibsom.

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