Weights and measures , can be fun..

     For those too young to remember the pre decimal guide to weights and measures you may become lost in the translation of this simple Quip, so to ease the pressure on your noddle a short summary of  Imperial measurements follow.
One Kilo in weight  is equal to approx 2.2 Pounds in weight and 14 Pounds is equal to one Stone.
     On the arrival of my visiting relatives at my hospital bedside on Wednesday, the aged English guy in the bed opposite remarked on waking that he had lost half a stone  in a week due to the hospital food. I replied  "Sir; I lost a whole stone  In sixteen days when I was here last time a year ago".
Not to be out done my visiting son Chris remarked , "A few months ago our Ginger Tom Cat Spent Six hours in the local Veterinary Hospital and lost two stones."

Vest is a trifle sore in the Nether Regions and is unable to squat on this chair for too long , so I shall return  in a while. Vest.... back soon.

   The power of imagination makes us infinite.


I hope you feel much, much better quickly. Poor GT. The deepest cut, and people laughed at him...
Vest said…
Today I saved one pigeon from the claws of ginger tom. pigeon in spare cage with food and water,it will be released when fit.
Vest said…
E C. I Have been very very busy. putting my health problems aside, I still have to use what powers I remain with to cope with the never ending demands for guidance from Rosemary whose memory functions are worsening.
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