Birthdays... History... and Un Birthdays

     Today in Most of Australia  The Queen of the Commonwealth's Birthday will be celebrated
Chronologically this elderly old crone lord bless her royal socks  will turn 89 years and 48 days of age.
Her royal highness Aunt Betty will share her Birth year  with such notables as Marilyn Monroe June 1, 1926, Fidel Castro Aug 13- 1926  And David Attenborough May 8 1926, Also an old geezer named Vest ; Yours truly was born (yes born) On July 16-1926, Gorgeous Marilyn was pronounced deceased on Aug 4 -1962 the day I was posted and arrived in 'Fragrant Harbour H/K back in 1962.
     However, it was on this day the ninth day of June in  632 the year of our lord that Mohammed the founder of the Islamic religion Died and  is currently cavorting with numerous virgins in that big Mosque in the heavens, but it was ten years earlier that Big Mo took flight from Mecca on July 16  622, which formed the foundation day for the Islamic Religion.( I sometimes wonder if the world would be a better place if Big Mo had missed his flight on that Magic Carpet.
Alas Big Mo was not the only horror with a 'big' name, as it came to pass in 1945 on my Nineteenth birthday July 16 that the biggest bomb ever was exploded in the new Mexico Desert; the dreaded 'Atom Bomb. Then followed the next world changing event the Apollo Eleven Moon probe which blasted off at 2100hrs GMT on the 16th of July 1969> Getting back to the later Atom bombs on Japan I firmly believe it saved many lives  particularly those who like myself were with the Vanguard of the forces off  the coast of Japan intent on bringing the sons of Nippon to their knees at a great cost to life and limbs.
"I don't Believe it" I have been informed that a place this Guy called Nuzilland a kiwi no doubt Say's we had a Queens birthday last week and another bloke tells me that the Sand gropers in Western Strayer are having one on September 28.
I am hoping to go to the UK as soon as my youngest son gets his passport organised but shall not calling on my favourite rello good Queen Bess..
All for now . Vest....Back soon


I hope you do get to the UK soon.

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