Today in History. 1926 Post 1305.

It was Eighty Nine years ago when Vest AKA LJB, Me, was born at 21 Homerton High street Hackney London E 8; within the sound of Bow Bells .
Thank you for those relatives and friends who have sent Birthday wishes from far and wide  and those from my sons face book friends.
Nothing much happening at the moment, tomorrow I shall be doing my Aged Persons driving test, and then on Sat & Sunday finalise packing for the trip to the sceptred isle set in a silver sea, departing 1510  Mon 20, arriving Heathrow 0530 Tuesday 21st. and retuning to OZ Aug 25.
 I shall be taking the wife, and the youngest son to do the driving and baggage handling , which will make the trip less arduous.
So that is all for now see you all later on.
Vest .... Back soon.
It is better one lives richly than dies rich.


Happy birthday - and I hope you have a wonderful trip.
Rosemary Vella said…
A belated Birthday wish. Hope you had a wonderful day and were completely spoilt. All our love and very best wishes

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