
Showing posts from August, 2015

I am back and glad so.+ a letter to relatives

My jaunt to the land of hope and glory didn't quite cut the mustard as did previous times, Maybe it was our age factor and less interest by those we visited. To be truthful the best efforts to make our stay pleasing were shared equally by relatives residing in Benson Havant and Dover. To give and not to count the cost may be an old parable but adding up the amount of time through the ages when relatives have stayed with my family on their overseas visits to us is at least three times greater than we have prevailed upon them. Admittedly some relatives in the UK are reluctant to travel the long distance or are scared of flying despite offers to pay 50% of their fare . The other factor which delivered a constant flow of anxiety came from the anti social antics and garrulity of our prodigal son who failed in his role of  both driver and assistant; (It is better we leave the details unspoken) Better still unprinted. More details can be obtained on request. So far I have...