No sign of Heaven yet, Plus beng deported

     A  Russian  hacker has disclosed that the space traveller to planet Mars leaked a unreported official message received from the probe that so far there has been no sighting of heaven or angels on its travels, The pontiff in Rome and other eccleslastical faith industry followers are refusing to comment  apart from a well known American human  pygmy scientologist a top gun flier called Tarm who has stated "ar harve bin to heaven with arld nic, arm harving prarblems finding my way back.

    Federal authorities have recently deported a large number of high profile bikies  and other big time crims after realising none had become Australian citizens, despite living here in OZ most of their pitiful lives.
It doth seem that any person who upsets the applecart big time will have their marching orders should they not be bonafide Oz cits.  it will also prevent them from  receiving pensions from where and  whence they go. My wife and I have been Oz cits for forty odd years but none of our five sons have taken up the challenge, So get to it lads.
The problem is that once involved in major crime your OZ cit application will be rejected and you will be on a fast boat to nowhere.

     The important thing is this: to be able to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.

     Vest ...Back soon.


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