History on this day Jan 7 1942.


My First Career

On 5 January 1942, I went to Shotley Royal Naval Base for a medical

examination, which I passed despite being under the height requirement

of five feet. I was four feet ten and a half inches, six stone six lbs (42.3 kg),

and fifteen years, five months and twenty days old. I was an under-sized,

under-aged piece of ‘cannon fodder.’ The school received a twenty-five

pound Sterling bounty payment upon my delivery to the Royal Navy.

My body was sold for approximately 55p or Aus $1-15 a Kilo or 30 cents

U/S per lb.

After a gruelling train journey to Fleetwood (near Liverpool,) I

embarked in the early morning on the Isle of Man steam packet, ‘Rushen

Castle’. It took four hours to get to Douglas, the capital and main port on

the Isle of Man. I hadn’t been at sea for four years.

Looking piteously at the first-timers berleying on the boisterous Irish

sea, I was reminded of my first experience of sea sickness on a

Portsmouth to Isle Of Wight ferry in 1938 the ‘Lorna Doone,’ a coal

burning paddle steamer that smelled of beer, egg sandwiches, and tarred

rope. I believe it was put to good use evacuating soldiers from Dunkirk

(Dunkirk) France in June 1940.

The Bible in my possession said, ‘To John Leonard Spencer on the

Feast of the Epiphany, 7 January 1942.” It was signed by the Rev.

Harling. I often wonder if the Rev. Harling ever made it to heaven.

Some of the other entrants who wore sailor’s gear like mine were from

other navy schools. Some wore civilian clothes. It was Wednesday, 7

January 1942. I was now a boy, 2nd Class RN. The Americans had beaten

me to this war thing by thirty-one days, but I was better prepared than

most for my next encounter with a new type of authority..
A year later Iwas serving on on my first warship ,HMS KGV in the Atlantic,
Med,. Ind Ocean and Pacific returning to the UK 13 March 46- long after the war
had ended. IE "The forgotten fleet".
"Vest not forget"  (Excerpt from memoirs)
The only laugh I have is, the RN have been paying me a tax free pension for 47 years or more.



The pension is small payment for what you did.
Amy Swansea. said…
Where were you on the Ve and Vp days
Vest said…
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Vest said…
Vest said...
Amy. I see you have returned to give me more pain?
Your Question. VE Day, I was with the BPF and
Yanks during Operation Iceberg (Okinawa Sakashima gunto, Ishigaki and Miako shima and the Ryeuko ? Islands.Etc) 1-4-45 to end of May?.
VP as little Johnnie called it and those who were there preferred VJ remember it as, I was back up there again for the final three months at sea during WW2. our main entertainment was the constant visits by the Japanese Aerobatic loonies . and night bombardments on the Nip mainland, during which I suffered burns to my face and arms during a serious cockup when one 14 inch gun fired without a shell, however like many others we lived through it and more. Amen.

Friday, 8 January 2016 at 19:32:00 GMT+11
Amy Swansea/ said…
you only have yourself to blame for joining the forces at thst age - were you mad and why did your parents not stop you.
Vest said…
Amy. Briefly and to the point. I had no parental home or a parent to guide me during my adolescence, it was to be the RN or the street following a charity boarding school existance.
River said…
I agree with EC, pensions are too small for the men and boys who fought for us all to live freely.
I weighed about the same as you at 15 and a half, but I was a teensy bit taller at five feet.

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