Food scraps (Leftovers) to be banned from House hold Garbage collections


As it is a Miserable wet and windy day It is the Ideal time  to write about Garbage!

     Food scraps (Leftovers) to be banned from House hold Garbage collections.

 Most councils within NSW Australia have adequate systems for waste removal from households and businesses. The main problem is abuse of the system by uncaring persons with an out of sight out of mind mentality.
     The Sydney Daily Telegraph my favourite daily newspaper (Delivered daily to my door) today, reads.New South Wales will follow South Australias example and allow collection centres for cans and bottles, some of these Items will be redeemable and a 5 or 10 cent reward paid; although the Telegraph also mentions that a possible price hike on the original purchase to cover costs as in the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.The main purpose for this exercise is to prevent the wholesale littering of our streets by louts. fortunately we  don't have this problem in our neighbourhood.
     Ban on bin food scraps: . Food could be banned from household rubbish bins or residents may be charged extra to remove it under proposals to deal with the state's growing mountains of garbage. For full details contact your local council for info.
For those people who are not already dealing with this problem and wish to deal with the matter of disposing the putrescibles  themselves, these few hints may solve your problems as well as helping the environment and if you have a garden; help with cost cutting. Of course it is your choice whatever you do.
     Items such as bread and cereal based foods can be distributed to bird feeding at the bottom of the garden along with meaty bones for carnivores such as magpies crows,   Dog owners would find few problems disposing of most bones, those not removed  can be buried in the flower section of your garden. All other food waste such as left overs, peelings, banana skins, fats and more are buried in what I call a Fallow section of the veggie  garden, ( An area not intended for planting within a few months, although digging in these areas after six weeks you will discover an absence of the former waste and a much richer soil, this can be a boon for those gardeners  with sandy soil.
     My veggie patches are about 6ft or 2 metres wide. I dig a trench across at spade depth and each daily deposit can be  covered with soil or if the weather is inclement keep your waste in a covered container until you are ready to dispose of it in the soil.
You will save on compost or have a more productive garden by following these simple tips.
     Remember. What man disposes of, Nature decomposes for the benefit of all.
BTW. All  recyclable items such as cans bottles, glass jars  and paper packaging must be free from food contamination and bottles without tops.
And don't forget that greasy Aluminium throw away baking tray you cooked the turkey or favourite roast in, ours will be placed at the bottom of the garden over a hungry ant nest and will be cleaned for recycling within two days.
Remember, 'Do the right thing". Have a great  day.....Vest.... Back soon.

Gardens are not made by singing -" Oh,  how Beautiful !" and sitting in the shade.  R K


Blood, sweat and tears (and a lot of compost) goes into my garden.
I have a worm farm too.
River said…
No compost here, there simply isn't room for one and the other tenants would disapprove quite strongly too. Instead, we are supposed to wrap our food waste, peelings etc, in newspaper or compostible plastic bags and dispose of them in the "green waste' wheelie bin.
I do clean all the recyclable items, but share that bin (and the green waste one) with three other flats, and they simply do not care, throwing all kinds of rubbish in there. Plastic milk bottles half full of curdled sour milk for example, cake boxes with mouldy parts of cakes in them and so on.

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