FOXTEL Joins the other INFO Loonies

     Foxtel should join up with the Channel Seven and the Sydney Telegraph misinformation loonies.( Read former posts to catch up)
     For the past three days , wacky brain dead Ghouls at Foxtel TV have blasted us with the misinfo that the second cricket test match England V Sri Lanka is being played at Leeds in Yorkshire, when in fact it is being played at Chester- Le Street Durham. I am wondering how many times they need to be informed to simply 'get it right'.
     Recently I have been able to post more frequently  this is due to  My wife Rosemary popping out for the day on Mons & Weds and having a cleaning lady  for two hours on a Monday morning, plus the gardener monthly, All I am left with is a Big F/Ntly shop and the local shopping and doctor visits, preparing meals  and keeping things Shipshape.
     The indoor temp on the  sunny Central Coast of NSW facing the Pacific is 15 deg Cel A slightly different temp outside with a wind from the south(Antarctic) creating the chilly conditions-much like a English summer but without the rain but which is expected to descend  upon us throughout the coming week ;providing the weather-casters at the Sydney Daily Telegraph have got it right. In the meantime with little to do, I may wander into the garden and smell the roses -If  I can find any. However, it is a pleasant day  and I hope you  are having one too.
And for the final laugh of the day. The Sydney Daily Telegraph is telling its readers that the test match mentioned is being played in Surrey England.
Vest... Back soon.
Just living is not enough...One must have sunshine,freedom and a little flower.


The Forgotten One said…
Not to forget Chris, our eldest son, the car cleaner, washing man, pet carer, garbage man, computer guy, bookkeeper and web developer who gave my site a much needed facelift a month or so ago
Vest said…
I presume Our eldest Chris spoke on my behalf. Here are two others; Fridge raider, Smoker, and snorer.
I am glad to hear that you are getting a little relief.
Cricket? Not for me.
And we struggled to get to double digits yesterday.
Vest said…
EC. Thank for your comment. Only the foolhardy become involved playing cricket, but if you are good at it you can be set up for life before you retire at age 30, and then become a boring commetator,or in some cases womanisers.
Americans are not frightfully good at cricket but they have done well in misinterpreting the rules of Girly 'Rounders' donning protective bodily armour and referring to it as baseball.
Vest said…
It would appear that the England v Sri Lanka Cricket debacle is being played at three different venues, I am uncertain how this phenomena works out, unless the umpires decide that the game is slowing down and they up stumps and trot off down to Leeds and later Surrey if the game gets boring. However, the Sydney Telegraph finally after three days of misprints have decided the test match is in fact playing at Chester Le Street in County Durham.
I wonder who else informed Foxtel and the Telegraph of this load of Rollocks.
But it would seem the Eng team have won on the fourth day by 9 wkts.
The next Test match is at 'Lords Middlesex' but one never knows whether or not it may be changed to elsewhere if the mood differs at fox or the Tele.
Anonymous said…
The entire Foxtel magazine is full of mis information. Ie wrong programme times wrong programmes Mis information about existing programmes. One couldn't call Foxtel a service . It's a money maker in an area where there is a lack of Professionally made programmes which do not contain unfunny or unprofessional content which in most cases is very parochial

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