Quietly going about their business and some smoke too.

Doing it quietly is not always the case arriving at that pinnacle of bliss, but there are somethings you just cant change and one of them is that human beings like making babies, so it is nice to know the majority of us are quietly going about the business of keeping the human race going, and it seems those who are leading the charge are women in western Sydney the city's true heartland.
Now this is good for the economy and-more importantly-good for brothers and sisters. It's not scandalous or outrageous but behind closed doors across Sydney little miracles are being made every day.
Unfortunately some women are making headlines for the wrong reasons, I suppose you might say this a spin off from a former post of mine "Kiss a non smoker and taste the difference"(Archives March 23-05). Most intelligent people who smoke are probably aware that smoking for the first thirty years of your adult life will reduce your life expectancy by up to ten years and also reduce hanky panky within the boudoir considerably too. those who have stopped puffing will tell you I must have been nuts not to have packed it in long ago. However, it is sad when the habits of mothers who smoke will in turn give their unborn child a legacy of lung and breathing problems to deal with for the rest of their lives. I am reliably informed that around twenty per cent of pregnant women continue to smoke during pregnancy against strong advice from health authorities. I say it should be mandatory by law for women to stop smoking during pregnancy and measures taken to forcibly isolate them from tobacco products in order to guarantee the optimum health of the new baby.

Twenty nine years ago just prior to Christmas I was suffering from a severe bout of colley wobbles-an undefined medical problem which was giving me a few bad moments with ongoing pain. In the washup the Doc informed me I would be dead within three months if I did not cease smoking. From that moment on for me fags were a thing of the past, I had too much to live for, my health improved and gave me more powers within the boudoir. 
However, I still believe that the Doctor was a lying sod, but I had litte time to Question his wisdom.


Far too many doctors are lying sods. Or right by accident.

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