
Showing posts from June, 2016

2nd Story for 'Words on Wednesday

1. virus 2. business 3. instrument 4. special 5. complex 6. superhuman " There is a Prince Charming in all good fairy stories,  but not in this one.              In a dream I invent a  SPECIAL  VIRUS,; with the assistance of a BUSINESS partner;  Who with his SPECIAL  knowledge of COMPLEX  INSTRUMENT production  enabled the finished tool of destruction to be capable of the complete  annihilation of the huge invading SUPERHUMAN  aliens from planet (KOOBECAF) .    


Words For WEDNESDAY.      These Words are here to assist you or confuse you in your . efforts to compose a short story. These words must be used entirely within your own story. This is not an original Idea but evolves from other frequently visited blogs from which I find Interesting. VEST. These words were selected from  the blog of RIVER You may write your story now if you wish. HOTTEST. RECONNECT. INTERACTIVE. DRIFTWOOD. MYSTERY. CONTINENTAL.                              This is my contribution.      Although the MYSTERY of the peculiar antics of the visiting sons of Nippon  and their aerobatic performances had been witnessed in and around an area South of the Indian sub CONTINENT( The Indian Ocean)  We were now intent on making our acquaintance yet again. and at that moment in time I would have wished to be elsewhere - any where, however, there was...



'Going Down' The British Way..

     'Arrgh" Enough Weekly to buy a small car Or if you Booze Three cheap bottles of Taiwan whisky.. Yep that's how I look at the Amount my Land of hope and *^)#*)(%#$ Glory ; Naval and State British Pension has tumbled, Well I shall not worry too much, this will in turn lower my outgoings to the OZ Fed Govt, and I could be a right B-----d and cancel my miniscule charity donations in order to even the score. Well I shall not do anything about the problem but I shall relish the fact that what Great Britain needs most, is  their locals buy more British goods and close the frontiers to the Hordes of Migrating would be non English speaking Dole Bludgers.and those intent on imposing their archaic and ridiculous beliefs on others.      Having said that, I feel that as  a now fully Qualified Brit and Strine linguist I should feel grateful to be able to reside in the land Girt by sea and sincerely hope my Rello's in GB get this mess cleaned up soon . G...

Save this NAVY NEWS

There are still ex RN members Of the British Pacific Fleet WW2 "The Forgotten Fleet. Who returned To Australia or stayed here In Australia at the end of hostilities August 1945.. My Name is Leslie John Bowyer, I served in the H M S King George V And I am one of four known crew members residing here in Australia Their names are George Haynes aged 93, Jim page Aged 92 , Pat O'Shaughnessy aged 90 and I Mentioned am 90 Come July 16 this year. I also served on Duke Of York, Diadem, Mauritius 47-48 and then Indomitable A/C and Ceylon and (Terror Singapore) up to 1954. Then the Dainty, Scar borough, up to 1961 then followed Tamar Hongkong and Verylam up to time of pension 1966. If there are any of you old timers out there with a memory Who may have recall of myself or these ships mentioned. Please contact me on or visit my Blog vest@dailygaggle,com or "The Daily Gaggle". Thank you. Les Bowyer Budgewoi NSW Australia.

WHITE RIBBON UNDER SCRUTINY (Read Today's Sydney Telegraph.) Also words for Wednesday

1. Why you should never give a cent to White Ribbon  .  Worth a read. Go to Sydney Daily Telegraph on line.                                                       ____________________     ...........                                                      Results for words on Wednesday Vest June 22, 2016 at 11:10 AM The infamous Wife beating (BOXER)'Benny the basher from Birmingham', emerged from his favourite pub bar having sunk eight pints of his favourite BREW which had washed down his large serving of SMOKED HAM sandwiches. His alcohol fueled BELLICOSE attitude sent him flying as he tripped when his RECKLESS charging down the pub steps sent him flying face first skidding on the hot...


     Emily stayed over that night. I was already asleep when she lay on my bedspread, covered by a blanket and her street coat. Sally drove Emily home the following morning, as snow had fallen overnight. Emily had informed Sally about our overnight dalliance. Sally explained to me that her friend, Emily, whom she knew quite well, was a trustworthy young lady with an unconventional innocence.      While alone with Sally, I asked her if she ever got a high metabolism when eating fish and chips. Sally scratched her lowered head with eyes raised and replied; “If it’s what I think it is, you cheeky devil, it’s none of your business.” After looking up this unusual word in the dictionary, I explained to Sally that it had nothing to do with ‘you know what’ and that it meant ‘being able to take in a large quantity of sustenance without becoming fat.’ Sally replied, laughing, “I have heard of it being called several different names but never ‘sustenance....


       These Words are here to assist you or confuse you in your . efforts to compose a short story. These words must be used entirely within your own story. This is not an original Idea but evolves from other frequently visited blogs from which I find Interesting. VEST. These words were selected from flipping the dictionary  and poking with a pen... You may write your story now if you wish , But my story will possibly be posted by tomoorrow., SECRET. IRRITATING. FORTY. CANDOUR. BUTCHER. UNATTRACTIVE. TRAINING. Here goes.   "The sad tale of Stella Stickybeak."       A lady ? of trying habits is Stella Stickybeak a scandal mongering spinster in the Parish  of Koobecaf in Joe Bonkers Bananaland where the trains travel past the proverbial black stump - whom all of us had experience of her (Irritating) chatter in the railway carriage - who would relate the gory details of her sons most, recent piles operation and add - it run...


Yes it's the Face book gooks again

Can't spell cant think Can't read Can't write no time to spare except use simple text such as "I Like " and "Not Like", Their peers who are Idolised like D Grade celebs because of their ability to write one liners which are used frequently like a graffiti signature painted on a public lavatory or bus shelter in order to impress thier inane followers, the easily lead. The boring untruths of facebook      I don't care a hoot if I insult you because you are a face book moron , it is about time you long time users and losers were told the truth      Here I shall give you a few reasons not to like face book any more full stop.     First of all Face book is always watching like a sweaty old middle aged bimbo or dirty old geezer whose only interest is immorality and depravity; take your pick. It is also a a source of anything likely to be of little use plus a guide to future depravity for the  unemployable school ...

Our 63rd Wedding anniversary celebrations,!

     It was a Chilly morning at 5 am when  we were woken from our slumbers. Having showered and dressed, at 6 am Rosemary  was leaving for the hospital  for Eye Surgery with  Chris our eldest son. I was home alone with two hungry moggies, after breakfast , I prepared today's dinner and cleaned the kitchen , I then decided to go back to bed from 7-30 am and was wakened at 11 am  on the return of  Rose and Chris from the hospital . Shortly after a phone call from Timothy our No 5 son who is moving to Queensland and who; after singing "Happy Anniversary" requested financial assistance for his move. Tim is always mindful of 'Keeping up appearances' Mrs Bucket's Gay son Sheridan.- always broke.      It is sunny today with a warm wind from the north - quite pleasant;  a change from the storms and rain, I am still in my pyjamas, must change soon as it is lunch time. ....No one seems interested in lunch, the hospital duo are sl...


          These Words are here to assist you or confuse you in your . efforts to compose a short story. These words must be used entirely within your own story. This is not an original Idea but evolves from other frequently visited blogs from which I find Interesting. VEST. Base..Venus..Ditches  Frozen  Bedstead  Stupid  Time. My story soon. This is a hard one from a flipped dictionary pages.selection The Beaters. As a child I found a tough way to supplement my Income was to act as a beater for the local gentry during shoots and various wildlife hunts. Our (Base) in Mill road manor house was the start and finish (Venue) where the spoils were counted and beaters paid usually about a half crown. Mind you it was a long (Time)  ago, when I was too young to know better; I was beagling on a snowy day and I got stuck with a girl whose name, as far as I remember, was Mary (Bedstead), and a perfectly (Stupid) hound named (Venus) Venus h...

EMILY , (part 2)

Emily Part 2. Emily told me we first met when she was fifteen at the time of Sally and Adam’s wedding. I told her I didn’t remember her. Emily said she was not surprised since I was quite tipsy and had fallen asleep on a chair. She said she sat next me and held me in case I fell, and I had been very naughty that day. I was beginning to enjoy Emily’s company. She was so polite and always smiled. She asked, “Do you have other clothing than what you are wearing?” I told her I only had stuff I could wear around the house. “Well in that case, dear boy, as I will be seeing more of you in the near future, we will call into my Uncle and Auntie’s place in High Wycombe in a little while for a cup of tea and fix you up with some swish duds.” Emily explained that her Uncle Frank was a barrister (whatever that was?) and he travelled a lot and was a frightful bore. When we arrived at Emily’s Aunt’s house, the Daimler in the carport made our Rover pale in comparison. I was fascinated ...
Being alone was dead easy or (Easier), I had long ago discovered, if you become two people, the actor and the observer. The (Actor) was always the same,The actor played many parts; a King, Sailor, or an officer in the French foreign legion for instance Or maybe a  English detective in London's Baker street or a gunner on Lord Nelsons Flagship popping a cannon (Ball) down the barrel of a hot cannon. "There he goes", I was  able to say about myself, even in the deeply (Unhappy) days at that wretched boarding school when I ran around  a (Frozen) football field, keeping as far as possible from the (Ball), or cantering across the desert sands  on a camel leading my (Platoon of of ex robbers and murderers and at least one British (Duke) dissapointed in love, in a charge against a dissident Arab Shiek  and his army of sabre wielding followers in that not too famous battle of Sidi Ding Dong, where  Arabs illegally 'Bricked' their camels at the water trough near th...


          These Words are here to assist you or confuse you in your . efforts to compose a short story. These words must be used entirely within your own story. This is not an original Idea but evolves from other frequently visited blogs from which I find Interesting. VEST. EASIER BALL ACTOR. PLATOON. DUKE. UNHAPPY. FROZEN.      My story will be told on Wednesday. Vest Daily gaggle.    Here we go. Being alone was dead easy or (Easier), I had long ago discovered, if you become two people, the actor and the observer. The (Actor) was always the same,The actor played many parts; a King, Sailor, or an officer in the French foreign legion for instance Or maybe a  English detective in London's Baker street or a gunner on Lord Nelsons Flagship popping a cannon (Ball) down the barrel of a hot cannon. "There he goes", I was  able to say about myself, even in the deeply (Unhappy) days at that wretched boarding school when I...

EMILY..Part one.

It was Friday, 12 December 1941. My last holiday from the school started earlier than that of the other boys, as I was off to join the Navy in January. That morning I was driven to the train station by my headmaster, Mr Foran-Stein, whose nickname was the same as that of his predecessor, Mr Frederick Hoskin. F S gave me a sixpenny piece and walked with me to the platform, protecting me from the falling snow with his umbrella. While waiting for the train, F S bought me a hot drink and insisted he see me onto the train. I told him he would be late for assembly. He said he doubted he would be on the wrong end of the stick for being late. F S was married and his wife was a pleasant lady, but they did not have children. They owned a dog which was dark in colour; with a white band of hair around its neck, named ‘Parson’, I on many occasions took Parson the dog for extensive rambles beyond the school boundaries with complete immunity from the school authorities, that dog was on...

(1) An Adolescent

An excerpt from my past Part 1 Early 1940 – Wartime at HNA Christopher, my brother, left the school to work in a factory near London. He later joined the Royal Navy in January 1941. The fifty senior boys at the school had access to WW1 303 short Le- Enfield rifles with ammo, our own ‘Home guard.’ A Charlham Home guard member, Fatty Speed, was absent from training on more than one occasion and was summoned and subsequently fined. I was told he left the court, caught the bus straight away, and fifteen minutes later bought cigarettes at the first shop in Charlham, where the lady said, “I hear you got fined three quid, Fatty.” He replied, “This is the only place I know where sound travels faster than light.” I was about fourteen years old when I was confirmed into the Church of England and learned the catechism and Christian principles. I also learned not to ask adverse questions about the teachings of the Bible. Our holy man had a heavy hand. He told us that blind faith i...

Words on Monday.

      These Words are here to assist you or confuse you in your efforts to compose a short story. These words must be used entirely within your own story. This is not an original Idea but evolves from other frequently visited blogs from which I find Interesting. VEST.. Discussion. Enjoying. Quiet. Officer.. Lethargy. Radio. Personnel. Later in the day I shall write my short story involving these words.     And here it is..      This short story is of my own making and  relates to something I recall from the past Mid Sixties?      At Charleston South Carolina,  I went ashore as the ships 'Limey' representative of the US Navy shore patrol. During a discussion, an American officer asked why I pronounced the rank of lieutenant 'Leftenant' and not Lootenant. "Both spell Lieutenant" I replied, But my pronunciation does not infer they live in Lavatories.       Later we attended a domestic dispute at ...

Words For Friday

These Words are here to assist you or confuse you in your efforts to compose a short story. These words must be used entirely within your own story. This is not an original Idea but evolves from other frequently visited blogs from which I find Interesting. VEST.. CHICKEN. UNDERSTANDING ACCENT PROTECTION STUDENT INSTINCT ORDINARY  Go ahead, give it a go. My genuine story follows. BACK TO SCHOOL.    W N T S IN THE THIRTIES      During school lessons, mild mannered schoolmaster Mr Fowler was flicked behind the ear with an ink shot from a rubber band, A boy named Crabby Harris did the job but somehow I got blamed, which  resulted in me being whacked around the ear by Mr  (Chicken) Fowler. After suffering enough, I jabbed a sharp nib pen up his rear end several times which stopped him beating me.     Mr Fowler was off sick for a few days and I was found Guilty and received four of the best from  the headmaster. When Mr ...


View this email in browser April 22, 2016 Man Found Stray Kitten Clinging to Truck and Knew He Had to Help A kind-hearted man saw two little white boots under a truck by the tire and found a tiny kitten clinging to it. Read more... Cat Abandoned Next to His Belongings Finds the Perfect Person to Bring Him to Safety A cat was found abandoned next to his belongings in the street.. Read full story . Woman Captures Time-lapse of Her Foster Kitten From Birth to Adoption A foster mom documented the beautiful growth of one of her foster babies from the first day of her life to the day of her adoption . Dog Missed Having a Cat, So They Found Him a New Friend The dog missed having a cat, so they found him a new friend. This will melt your heart . 9-year-old Boy with Autism Breaks into Tears When He Reunites With...