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April 22, 2016

Man Found Stray Kitten Clinging to Truck and Knew He Had to Help

A kind-hearted man saw two little white boots under a truck by the tire and found a tiny kitten clinging to it. Read more...

Cat Abandoned Next to His Belongings Finds the Perfect Person to Bring Him to Safety

A cat was found abandoned next to his belongings in the street.. Read full story.

Woman Captures Time-lapse of Her Foster Kitten From Birth to Adoption

A foster mom documented the beautiful growth of one of her foster babies from the first day of her life to the day of her adoption.

Dog Missed Having a Cat, So They Found Him a New Friend

The dog missed having a cat, so they found him a new friend. This will melt your heart.

9-year-old Boy with Autism Breaks into Tears When He Reunites With Cat, His Best Friend

A 9-year-old boy with autism broke into tears when he reunited with his missing cat who means the world to him.

Stray Cat Chose a Hockey Player's Bag to Have Her Babies

When a team of hockey players showed up for practice, a stray cat had chosen one of their bags as the place to have her kittens.

Cat Claims Baby’s Birthday Present, They Find One Way to Settle It

The kitty got jealous of the grandbaby's birthday present, so his human found one way to settle it...

Man Took Cat Out of the Shelter and the Cat Hasn't Stopped Cuddling Him Since

A man took a rescued cat out of the shelter and into his loving home. The kitty hasn't stopped cuddling with him ever since!
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All lovely, but Austen's story made me weep.
Vest said…
E C. You are a softy and a nice one.

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