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There are still ex RN members Of the British Pacific Fleet WW2 "The Forgotten Fleet. Who returned To Australia or stayed here In Australia at the end of hostilities August 1945..
My Name is Leslie John Bowyer, I served in the H M S King George V And I am one of four known crew members residing here in Australia Their names are George Haynes aged 93, Jim page Aged 92 , Pat O'Shaughnessy aged 90 and I Mentioned am 90 Come July 16 this year.
I also served on Duke Of York, Diadem, Mauritius 47-48 and then Indomitable A/C and Ceylon and (Terror Singapore) up to 1954. Then the Dainty, Scar borough, up to 1961 then followed Tamar Hongkong and Verylam up to time of pension 1966.
If there are any of you old timers out there with a memory Who may have recall of myself or these ships mentioned. Please contact me on or visit my Blog
vest@dailygaggle,com or "The Daily Gaggle". Thank you. Les Bowyer Budgewoi NSW Australia.


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