The driving test medical exam , Election day  Sat July 2.. 2016.
     Chaos on the local roads very few parking areas and after voting I somehow managed to find a parking spot; although a trifle cramped for space on my Starboard side due to the wheels  of the other vehicle being about four inches-10 cm away from the allotted line. Getting out of the car and putting my hand on the edge of my door was still a struggle to get out of the car. The Lady? driver of the other car yelled "You touched my car", 'Yes" I replied "with my hand and you Madam sad to say are improperly parked" . Her reply was "Don't Madam me, if you have marked my car I shall kick your door in"  There was no mark but I took her car Reg Number and left her mumbling. I just smiled blew her a kiss and left, "Who breeds with these people."?.
     I checked into the doctors surg and was told there would be an hour to wait at least, so I drove home only two Min's away  for a cuppa and returned later .
     Watching the TV in the waiting room an Archery demonstration was in progress, the Docs Sec said  'All high tech stuff now Mr Bowyer" "yes you are right " I replied- my ancestors who made Bows from the YEW tree would be bewildered. but what is more odd is that my last residence in the UK was  Mr Bowyer at a 27 Yew tree Avenue.(True)
     The Doctor a Mr Singh standing in for Ajay my regular Doc ( On holiday again) set about asking me several intrusive question regarding my health  which would have taken more time than a heart transplant Say's you nearly left it too late  for this exam , BTW do you exercise ? "yes " I replied" I then lied I had been down to Melbourne for the over 70's Olympics  and was a contestant in the  Quarter Marathon and Cycling over twenty Ks Sprint. The doc gave me a strange look - signed the form I breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing I can drive for yet another year -Hopefully..

To achieve great things we must live as though we were never going to die.

Vest ....Back later.


Elephant's Child said…
What an absolute charmer that other driver was. Sigh.
River said…
Don't you just hate those "Holier than thou" drivers who think they're entitled to all the space?
Glad to hear you passed the test.
Anonymous said…
Touching a car and getting a mouthful sounds like a very American experience.
Vest said…
EC, River and Andrew Thanks for your comment.
All was well when I returned to the car, but It seems a Brochure for Weight loss was delivered to our Mail box which I thought was Funny, It was binned by a member of the family, However, it could be a source for a future post.

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