WORDS ON WEDNESDAY ( The village Bike.)
These Are the Words For Wednesday
It is now up to you to compose a story yarn or a poem or even a limerick (That would be hard )
This is my Composition.. By Vest.
The FEELINGS of the persons who attended the newly formulated evening EXHIBITION Highlighted by the impressive coloured CANDLE lights and who had created impressive floral exhibits but failed to impress the GUSHING judge who obviously was favouring Lord and Lady Cods Wallop's tawdry exhibit (Or that of their gardeners) As was usually the case followed by the exhibit by the village Squire and his newly acquired leggy blonde wife whose visible Undercarriage was highlighted by her BEWITCHING see through attire which thrilled a CAPTIVE audience of gawking village idiots yelling their approval of the Squires latest acquisition - formerly the village Bike.
I am likely to be put in the Village Stocks for this one.
Vest back soon.
I knew a girl in school who was a "bike", she was eventually expelled for keeping Scotch in her locker. She was only 14.