Dear Editor.

        Having read recently several articles within your sporting pages  relating to a downturn in spectator attendances at most sporting venues, I feel there must be some skulduggery going on at the entrance turnstiles and people getting in for free by slipping a few less bucks to the ticket sellers and bypassing the electronic counters.
         Well sir I am not the least surprised, as this sort of activity has been going on for ages; in particular within my family and vastly extended family whose ingenious methods of gaining entry to sporting activities without interference is legendary.
         The gathering of our families at these sporting venues means we can have lunch together and have a chatter and let the young ones let of steam and scream and squawk to their hearts content while sharing sandwiches and meat pies, there are no leftovers our family really enjoy a good feed at most times and rarely anything goes to waste.
         Sir, as long as we have people attending  sporting venues who throw meat pies at  offending sports persons we will be there to enjoy the fun,

Flightfully Yours,  A SEAGULL.


A, Grosset. said…
Avez-vous un menu a' prix fixe?
Vest said…
A G. Apparently not. It depends on the who is playing who, we have a mix of all nations here, so it could be pies, salami, spaghetti, or even Kate & Sydney Pudd ; but no escargot. Have a nice day Viva De Gaulle.
I would rather watch the seagulls than the sports. Yes I know, this shows me up as unOrstrayan.
Granny Annie said…
Dear Seagull, If only you and your family would help pay the millions of dollars that go to each sports player. You could be taking food out of their children's mouths. Yeah right:-(
A, Grosset. said…
A quelle heure est led'jeunner ?
Vest said…
E C. There were isolated occasions during my non breakable days when I played sport for pleasure and a few times when press ganged, the last time I was a spectator, was about 1975 at a soccer game with our five sons.
Vest said…
Granny Annie. It is better that the Seagulls clean up the food waste than other vermin.
Litter is another problem dealt with by well paid cleaning staff, thank you for your call.
Vest said…
A, Grosset. Lunch I presume! Is served all day, to be more specific a variety of snack foods. Ca va. 'Vest humms the 'Marseillaise'.
Vest said…
A Grosset. Would it be possible for you to write in Anglaise - English please.
Davoh said…
Dear Seagull ..

c'est la vie ... que sera sera ... ?
Davoh said…
Hi Vestie .. whatever our problems 'that's life' ... or 'whatever will be, will be' ..
Am still pondering the life that have, now, have no idea what will intend to to do next ... but have plans in place.
Vest said…
Davoh. To prevent being dead one must plan ahead. it keeps your brain active and keeps the steam up in the boiler,comprenez-vouz? nice to hear from you.
River said…
I'm more inclined to think the downturn is because of the horrendous prices, not just for entrance tickets but for the foods and drinks available at the venue.
Lower deck lawyer. said…
It makes me wonder if a couple of your readers got the message correctly. A Seagull indeed. Mike.
Vest said…
LDL. T seems that their penny didn't drop.
Vest said…
River. Read family of Seagulls !!.
Vest said…
Granny Annie. Got you too didn't I.

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