Face Book,. A No goer, But thanks all the same.

 For  FACE BOOKERS                                                                                                                                                                                       eI You  may be aware I have not not posted much over the past three months and this was due to  moving to a new residence and being off line and otherwise busy with packing and unpacking  plus now we have the additional problem with hospital visits and associated problems of Rosemary's  upper limb fracture and future rehabilitation. however, recently Christopher our eldest took it upon himself to promote a Face Book Thingy on my behalf and without consultation, he being aware of the restrictions within my life style should not have done so without my consent which is fairly obvious  a 'No' thank you'. Chris will be aware of this by now and hopefully will be able to rectify his work and inform his followers ? This is not a stab at Face Booker's  they have their own idiosyncrasies and like so do Bloggers If you find it tough going contacting me, try my blog, simply post something like FB, Like. Dislike. K M A.  Or  D  D  Y  B.......... Have a nice. day; I am sure it will be better than mine at present.

Vest back soon.


I don't play FB either. And many people have told me how wrong I am.
I hope your days are improving. And that Rosemary is getting better care in a closer hospital.

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