Goodbye dear Rosemary (3)

With love from Rosemary.
There is a video of Rosemary being interviewed by her son Chris Some of her words a not normally used in polite company, . possibly because of her Dementia .


You are right - she was a very beautiful woman.
Stanley. said…
Dear Les, Chris and family, my heart goes out to you at this sad time. Yes we know it was only a matter of time and one might say, a happy release, now free from such a cruel illness. However it doesn't make things any easier, the hurt is still there. We take some consolation in believing that she is now at peace and in a much better place and joyfully re-United with mum and dad and other loved ones gone before. Rosemary never had an easy early life, I know that, but she gave out love in abundance, never had a bad word for anyone, a lovely loving smile for all.Happily she found love and contentment in a good marriage and was very proud of her family. I pray that you will find peace and enjoy recalling happy memories of one who was so loved. I send my love to you. God bless.Brother Stanley
Davoh said…
Blessings, and love, to all ... can't think of much else to say.
Vest said…
It would seem that the naughty expletives expressed by Rosemary in the video were acquired while in day care where other persons with similar dementia problems expressed their views openly and without being restricted by the staff.
"Swear while ye may for in heaven it will not be allowed."
Vest said…
Thank you EC & Davoh for your kind comments
Jane stokes -Honour. said…
Lovely videos. Just a beautiful and happy lady xxxxxx
John Simpson. said…
Beautiful lady, loved by all 😢
Chris Bowyer. said…

I have posted the following as an event on Facebook - (Public - No Facebook account required) to provide all with as much information as possible and provided it to you direct for your immediate attention. Of course, feel free to distribute it amongst your own circles. In addition, there will be an open coffin on Wednesday 10 May at a time to be advised if you can or want to go.

The graveside service is public and will be held at 2 pm sharp. It is expected to last about 20-30 minutes. Guests are requested to turn off telephones and not take pictures during the service. However, it will be recorded for later viewing by someone especially hired for the event - in particular, this is for overseas relatives who can't attend. A wake will follow for family, friends and associates at Wallarah Bay Recreation Club, 40 Wallarah Rd, Gorokan NSW 2263, Australia from 3 pm. It is OK to arrive a bit early and tea, coffee and platters of food will be served from 3.15 pm.

Mum passed away seemingly without pain and in peace following complications from dementia and delirium brought on by hip replacement surgery that was performed 7 weeks and 6 days earlier following a fall the day before. Apart from her advanced dementia, she was in good health prior.

A copy of the draft for the obituary that was placed in the Daily Telegraph on Saturday 5 May is pasted below for additional information including where to send flowers.

BOWYER Rosemary Joan nee Cox, age 82 - 5/07/1934-3/05/2017, Gorokan NSW, previously of Budgewoi NSW, born in Portsmouth, England. Wife and best friend of Leslie John Bowyer (age 90) for 63 years. A beautiful, loving lady who will be sorely missed. Daughter of William (deceased) and Louise (deceased). Sister of Marjorie (deceased), Percival (deceased), Audry (deceased) and Stanley. Mother of Christopher, Anthony, David, Andrew and Timothy. Grandmother of Kylie, Nicole, Dylan, Bianca, Aleisha, Charlotte, Tamara and Jacinta. Great grandmother of Paige, Brianna, Braydon, Grace, Ollie, Ruby Rose, Flynn (deceased), Isla (deceased), Teddy and Harlow. Mother-in-law to Ruth, Karen, Suzanne, Rebekah, Julie W, Amanda, Lisa, Samantha and Julie B. A graveside committal service will be held at Noraville Cemetery, 35 Wilfred Barrett Drive, Noraville NSW on Thursday 11 May 2017 at 2 pm. Flowers to be delivered c/o Chris Bowyer, 4 Clucas Avenue, Gorokan NSW 2263.

PS. The original large image is attached.


Chris Bowyer
PO Box 250, Budgewoi NSW 2262, Australia
Telephone: 0438 322 907 - International: +61.438322907
Elsie Hanlin said…
I won't be attending, it's too far from SA and I didn't know Rosemary apart from what Les wrote, but I'll think of you all on Wednesday.
Andrew Bowyer. said…
Thanks Dad.
Anonymous said…
'A Rose Like you.

A wild rose lives outside my door
It asks no fostering care,
But grows in its appointed place
because God put it there.
Each year in radiant summertime
I welcome it anew,
For in its youth and joyousness
It is so much like you.

Goodbye Rosemary xxx.
William, P Deane. said…
Mr. L.J.Bowyer.
Dear Les,
Helen and I send you and your family our profound sympathy on Rosemary’s death.
She was truly a very special person who gave much to all who were privileged to know her.
With our warmest wishes.
William Deane
Tamara Bowyer said…
I'm so sorry, my hearts breaking for you.
Lots of love,

Dylan Bowyer. said…
Thank you grandpa,

Sarah (my partner) and I will be there for the service.

Lots of love,

Dylan Bowyer
Suzanne said…

Hi Chris

Her Honour just passed me this note:

Ask doctor how he determined the cause of death to be simply “dementia”.

Did Doctor review the hospital notes?

Ask Doctor if he/she was aware your Mum suffered a fall in the last few weeks and that a complication a factor in her demise.

Tell the Doctor that the family is not happy with the cause of death as it is. Ask Doctor to reconsider.

Let Doctor know that the family is considering referring the matter to the State Coroner and seeking to have your Mother examined post mortem.

P/S I’m in Court so cannot make phone calls till adjournments.


Sue xxoo
Vest said…
Suzanne. A satisfactory explanation of Rosemary's demise has been accepted, so as to not delay the preparations for her funeral. Thank you.
Chris Bowyer. said…
Hi Heather,

All good, except for this line -

When someone we love dies, we are faced with trying to understand one of life’s greatest mysteries. Rosemary often said that when she passed away her hope was that she would just be remembered. Les and the family have chosen the following poem, titled ‘When Tomorrow Starts Without Me’ to be read in her honour.

When someone we love dies, we are faced with trying to understand one of life’s greatest mysteries. Rosemary often said that when she passed away her hope was that she would just be remembered. Les and the family have chosen the following poem, titled ‘Letter From Heaven’ to be read in her honour.

Thank you so much 


Chris Bowyer
Albert. said…
Les ,Check on W P Deane, and Helen revealed Ex Gov General . Right ?.
Vest said…
Clever Dick ; Albert.

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