Goodbye Dear ROSEMARY.

Rosemary my dear wife and best friend passed away at around seven PM today, two hours ago.
More later.


Dylan Bowyer. said…
I wish you the best, with love for the moment you are in and have been experiencing for some time now. I'm sorry that this has happened.

Much love,
Dylan Bowyer
Edward Jones. said…
Les I am very sorry to hear of her passing. Life gets hard when we get old. Someone put a photo of my late wife on Facebook and when i saw it i broke up. My kindness regards Edward Jones

Andrew Bowyer. said…
Unknown said…
I'm so sorry, my hearts breaking for you.
Lots of love
Unknown said…
I'm so sorry, my hearts breaking for you.
Lots of love,
Anonymous said…
Very sad to hear. My sincere condolences.
Anonymous said…
So very sad to hear of the loss of beautiful Rosemary. Thinking of you all
With love Jane xxxx
Sheshe said…
My sincere condolences to you and your family, there are always good memories mixed in with sadness and grief xxx
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry, my hearts breaking for you.
Lots of love
Tamara xx
Christine said…
Oh Uncle Les!
Words are not enough to tell you how sorry we all are to hear this very sad news, your heart must be broken and we can only imagine what you are going through.
You have had one of the best to share your life with and nobody could have been more loved or loveable than Auntie Rose 🌹
She is at peace now and safe in the arms of her Mum and Dad, I believe they did come for her at the end.
You have a lifetime of happy memories to look back on and one day you will be able to smile when you recall them as she was a real character and always managed to make us smile with her infectious personality, a truly beautiful lady inside and out.
You are constantly in our thoughts and our prayers.
Please pass on our love and condolences to all the boys and their families.
Sending love especially to you and Chris, take care of each other.
Elsie Hanlin said…
Dear Les, I'm so sad to hear this. You'll miss her, but you'll have memories of many years together. Elsie
Sue Goldberg said…
While the videos may be bitter/sweet at the moment, you are so lucky to have them.

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