Rosemary was Born in Portsmouth England on the 5th of July 1934. her Mother and father Louise and William Cox.
Rosemary had a difficult early life due to a speech difficulty which fortunately was corrected after many hospital visits - and with perseverance  from Rosemary herself she was able to catch up on her schooling which had suffered due to the previous speech impairment.
      Rosemary was the younger of five siblings Percy, Marjorie and Audrey, and Stanley who remains as sole survivor.
      I ,  Dad.  First met Rosemary at a dance In Portsmouth that she was attending with her sister Audrey. late November 1951.  Rosemary was a pretty young lady at seventeen years of age and I was 24, She remarked to Audrey her sister; that he is nice but old. however, I was successful in dating her the following evening  unchaperoned.
      I , DAD, Was stationed in the Portsmouth Naval Barracks awaiting a ship or some perilous assignment which eventually sent me packing to Hong Kong to join a warship for  the Korean War zone, but it was to be three months after meeting  Rosemary that I waved goodbye, but then after
eight months the ship refitted in Singapore where I was  stationed ashore and was told that I was eligible  for my wife to join me in Singapore, but I had to propose to Rosemary and fortunately I was accepted, then after a few months passed Rosemary arrived on a ship to S-pore and on the 20th of June we were married in St Christopher's church In Johore Bahru Malaya  across the Causeway from S-pore Where we lived until departing for England on a ship with Christopher who had been born three months earlier.
      After living in rented accommodation we eventually bought our first house north of Portsmouth in 1956.  I was absent from home at sea on several occasions as much as ten months at a time on one occasion up to Aug 1962 by which time our family had increased due to several Back from sea honeymoons. Tony was born the 29th June 1956 with David following in June 27  1959.
It was in August 1962 having already had some twelve months ashore and living at home I had the extreme pleasure of accepting a married accompanied posting to HONG KONG Naval base for Two years plus It was the most pleasurable part of my Naval career. But it was about the time of the Chinese new year in 1964 that Andrew our fourth son was conceived and later on returning to England he was born on the 30th of October with "Made in Hong Kong' written on his little BUM. Later after a few short absence's at sea  I finally retired on pension from the RN and after several rewarding jobs;  most locally during which Our Number Five Son :TINY TIM arrived unexpectedly on the 3rd of Aug 1966 after defeating the birth pill.
It was Chris who suggested we migrate to Australia I'll blame every thing on him for what happened  after 1971 July When we sailed for Sydney on Rosemary's 37th birthday. eventually living in seven hills  and several other areas of the Sydney Met until retiring to Budgewoi 21 years ago , Rosemary and I have extended our family By eight grand and ten Great grand children and several lovely daughters in law, but as much as I love you all I must focus my attention to  Rosemary whom I shall miss terribly and Love for ever ,'"Goodbye Rosemary _ I WILL LOVE YOU FOR EVER"> LESLIE>


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