Do you have a new friend ?

                            Words on Wednesday.                     

    The words were chosen By (River).


                                   This is my Story,.  " Do you have a new friend."

      It was quite chilly when I had opened the bedroom french windows and stepped into the sunlit seating area where my son was sitting at the table doing the daily crossword ( the one I always have to finish).

"What is a Petrichor' he asks, "Dunno Say's I, how is it spelled" " have a dekko " he Say's, I squinted in the sunlight as I bent down to read without my spectacles," Sounds dodgy to me," says I; I wouldn't eat one." His reply was interrupted by his cell phone, a second later the house phone in the kitchen was ringing loud enough to hear down the street.  both Phones ringing in concert usually meant a problem.. However, the House phone stopped ringing as I arrived; Couldn't have been that important.I thought

  I  returned to the bedroom where I stripped the bed. The cleaning lady will remake the bed with clean linen very soon.

  I am becoming set in my habits and become annoyed when my sleeping routine is disrupted during the night by the departure during the night of the heavy headboard from the base of my comfortable Queen Sized bed

  The large Pillow I had placed behind the loose headboard was still there when the cleaning lady arrived, who saw the pillow between the wall and the headboard and asked with a smile " Do you have a new friend "'Oh" I replied " do you mean the pillow to stop the banging on the wall' 'Just a thought Say's she"." Wishful thinking" says " I.

  This is no consolation, for the next six days I will be left with the bed making problem, the prime cause being the devastation that the demise of my dear lady wife causes me. My problems begin early. when as soon as I am dressed I have to make the bed and it is no joke making a Queen sized bed single-handed. I have to run from one side of the bed to the other and no sooner is one side smoothly tucked in than the other side gets out of order again. Making a single bed is easy: the problem of tackling a larger bed alone is one I have never had to face before.

Sweet Dreams Vest ... back soon.


Vest said…
And so we come to the end of this months words on Wednesday

As they say in la la land.....Teac pita awoft.
Lee said…
Try making a king-size bed that is up against one wall! It's a challenge...a recurring one that causes me to grumble and curse without fail!

If I knew what they say in La La Land...I could respond, but alas the only Teac I know is my PVR set-top recorder/player, and the only pita I know is the packet of pita bread sitting on my kitchen for awoft...I have no idea.

I have, however, heard of the Teac Pita Swift. In the words of Pauline Hanson..."Please explain!" :)

Fun story once again, Vest...well done. The only complaint I have is you've reminded me it's time to make my bed!!!

Vest said…
Lee. Your request for me to unravel those mystic words will have to go unrewarded, being that you are a lady of Quality and unfamiliar with the interpretation of those words which were written in a fit of pique emanating from discovering a vacant inbox apart from adverts.
thank you for averting such a catastrophe.
Vest said…
Lee. Further to an explanation. Your Fish & chip lady politician Pauline would no doubt decipher the words and not bat an eyelid.
Anonymous said…
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A sad and touhing little story that made excellent use of the weekly words.
Vest said…
Thank you slightly, confused for your comment. Today is the day when My Wife Rosemary had her accident on March 8 last year and later passed away in hospital. Bad vibes at the moment.

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